Just a Game (Soruko & Sanniuri, SDRA2)

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Just made this thing loosely based on a prompt I saw, but these two don't exactly fit the prompt. I hope you enjoy anyways!


On a bright day at Hope's Peak Academy, you could see a lot of students walking around the campus. No matter if they were laughing, joking around, flirting, or the like, they were all enjoying their days. Of course, there were secrets that each person kept hidden too.

It was a lovely spring day, the beginning of a new semester, and a white-haired girl walked next to a blonde boy while happily smiling. The boy showed no emotion on his face, but used a mask to portray them instead. Nobody questioned it, they never had. It was the way things were supposed to be.

"Mikado, did you hear that there's going to be a couple's dance coming up?" She inquired. "There's apparently going to be a lot of food, music, and you can dance there."

"Yes, Ms. Sora, I know what a ballroom event is." Mikado huffed, then looked over to the gym on the campus. "Will it be held in there? I don't think it'll be held in the indoor gym, that one would be way too small."

"Yeah, it will. There's just one little problem with all of this though, if we want to attend..." Sora trailed off, her face looking troubled as she averted her gaze. "The Steering Committee has stated that there's going to be media coverage, so the attendees have to be heterosexual 'in order to set a good example to the people of Japan,' in their words."

"Oh dear, I guess they're really being sell-outs for money. I have heard that they're having a financial crisis, that's why the Reserve Department tuition fees are so high." The wizard muttered. "The ball sounds fun, but I really wanted to take my cute toy...and maybe laugh at how he can't dance for the life of him."

"And I wanted to take Yoruko too. Maybe there's a way we can sneak in..." The albino attempted to think of an idea as they walked back to the main building of the academy. They didn't need to attend class at all, Mikado never did, but Sora attended class to be with Yoruko more. Mikado dropped her off at her classroom door and watched her walk inside, still thinking of a plan.

Later that evening, Mikado called Sora from the shelter of his dorm. She was in her own dorm as well, and she picked up the phone before she went to sleep. "Hello? Mikado, what do you want?" She sleepily grumbled.

"Good evening, Ms. Sora, I've come up with an idea on how to get into the ball." He began to explain. "You see, they only want heterosexual couples to attend for the sake of media coverage. As you can see, if you count Ms. Kabuya, Nikei, you, and I, there are two boys and two girls between us."

"What the hell are you getting at?" Sora grumbled. "Are you saying what I think you're gonna say...?"

"I suggest that we all just pretend to date each other's partners for the night; I'll dance with you and Ms. Kabuya will dance with Nikei." Mikado chuckled. "Those stupid old men and their media hogs will never suspect a thing."

"I thought you were going to just dress Nikei in drag and bring him anyway, he could probably pass for a girl if you guys tried hard enough." She joked, then let out a yawn. "But seriously, you're suggesting that? But I thought we wanted to dance with our own partners..."

"Oh, no need to worry about that. It's just a game of pretend, see? No harm will come of it." He reassured. "If no one can prove that the change happened, then we can slip into the ball and get away with it."

"...I'll tell Yoruko the plan, then I'll tell you if she agrees to it. You'd better tell Nikei so he doesn't get a shock." Sora yawned louder this time, and she let out a quiet groan. "Yeah, I need to get to bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Ms. So-" The end of the line clicked in the middle of his sentence, and he pulled his phone back to stare at it. "She hung up on me. How rude."

The days passed as the students began counting down the days until the ball. Mikado had gotten both Nikei and Yoruko's approval with his plan, though they was very reluctant to dance with each other. They had consulted Emma for her dress expertise, and they were decked out and ready to attend.

The couples were all lined up outside of the gym entrance to get themselves checked in for the ball, and Sora and Mikado were right in front of Yoruko and Nikei. While the former pair put up an act of a loving couple by holding onto each other, Yoruko and Nikei wouldn't even look at each other, much less touch each other.

The security guards made to monitor the entrance didn't seem to care much about what they were supposed to do, and they let the quartet pass into the gym without a second glance. They all made their way to the refreshments tables for the free food and drinks before anything else happened.

After a few minutes of getting slightly tipsy from some idiot spiking the drinks, they went to the dancefloor and stood opposite to each other as the music began to play and the ball began. Sora and Mikado decided to just slow dance together, holding onto each other with small movements.

"Well, this was a good idea. We made it into the ball, and nobody suspected a thing." Sora remarked. She looked over to Yoruko and Nikei, who were struggling to dance due to the latter's lack of grace, and were close to getting into a fight. "How long do you want to bet that we'll have to separate them before the end of the night?"

"...I'll take Ms. Kabuya, you can take Nikei." Mikado sighed, watching the embarrassing display of their lovers. "In hindsight, maybe I shouldn't have paired them up in the beginning. I really should have known better."

"You know what? Let's go get them now, and we can pretend that we're tipsy if the guards ask us anything." The albino pulled away from Mikado and went towards the duo, grabbing Nikei and pulling him away from Yoruko. Mikado took his place in front of the hostess, and he noted that she seemed happy to be paired with someone graceful.

Sora didn't seem to be bothered with Nikei's clumsiness, she serenely slow danced with him as Mikado and Yoruko waltzed together. "So, Sora, what do you think of that?" Nikei looked over at the other pair. "Honestly, you can keep her. I'd rather deal with Mikado's bullshit, thank you."

"Wow, harsh." Sora laughed. "You two couldn't tolerate each other for two seconds? That's really sad." There was grumbling from Nikei as he continued dancing with Sora, and the ball continued on late into the night. 

Later on, the amnesiac, journalist, hostess, and wizard left the ball past midnight, all of them more drunk than they were at the beginning of the night. It was a miracle that they made it back to their dorms, but to this day, no one knows how Nikei ended up waking up in a dress.


Art credit: Kimyuo_DanGan on twitter

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