Haze (Sanniuri, SDRA2)

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This is an art trade for a friend on discord, I hope she enjoys it! This takes place in a non-despair AU (with a few creative liberties, of course)!

Warning: spoilers for the members of Void, illness/fevers!


Many things changed since Mikado had joined the Children of Utsuro, took control of the group, and changed it to Void. For one, their living conditions improved, and they were moved into a rental house under Mikado's name as they searched for Utsuro. And when the five were accepted into Hope's Peak Academy, they immediately took the chance to get free shelter and food for three years. Mikado cleared anything under his name and made himself untraceable again.

All five of them were Ultimate students now, and even though they knew that the publicity might harm their search for Utsuro, it was still better than living in a warehouse together to keep some members away from the police. At Hope's Peak Academy, all students were granted immunity for any former crimes during their enrollment. 

At Hope's Peak, all students were free to skip classes as deemed fit, just so long as they hone their talent and pass the practical exams. Which meant that the Voids skipped their classes and enjoyed themselves as they saw fit. They each had their own dorm room they lived in, and Mikado would continue to deliver breakfast to them so they didn't have to walk all the way from the residence area to the cafeteria in the school.

Mikado's usual delivery route was to Iroha first, who liked sweet foods, then to Hajime, who preferred healthy foods, who was next to Emma, who enjoyed rich-tasting foods, and to Nikei last, who would take anything that he didn't have to make himself. The journalist preferred to have a cup of instant coffee with his breakfast, but when he pissed Mikado off on occasion, the wizard would give him decaf. In addition, Mikado found that he usually had to stay with Nikei to make sure that he ate all of his food and didn't accidentally forget to eat while working on an article.

When Mikado had finished delivering meals to his first three teammates, he knocked on Nikei's door before teleporting inside. "Mr. Yomiuriiii! I've come to deliver breakfast! He announced as he walked towards the bedroom off from the main room where Nikei worked and slept. "Today's meal is rice topped with salmon steak, with sides of California salad, bacon pasta, and cream cheese soup! I've brought your coffee too!"

To his surprise, he didn't hear Nikei call back, who usually told him to come inside. Therefore, Mikado invited himself inside the room. He noticed that even though the lights were on, the blinds were closed, which was unusual for Nikei. The journalist was sitting at his work desk, squinting against the light of his laptop screen and occasionally rubbing his forehead.

"Mr. Yomiuri? I've brought your breakfast." Mikado repeated as he walked up to him, putting the plate and bowl on the side of his desk. Nikei's cheeks were red as he tried to concentrate on his computer screen, not even acknowledging the wizard. Mikado put two fingers under Nikei's chin and tried to tilt the journalist's head in his direction. "Aww, your face is all red! Did you really miss me that much?"

"F-Fuck off, Mikado." Nikei grumbled, his voice lacking its usual malice. Now, Mikado knew that something was very wrong here. In a swift movement, Mikado closed the laptop, making the journalist jump from the surprise and whirl towards him. "What was that for?!" He cried, but his voice didn't have it's usual amount of strength behind it and his eyes seemed a little unfocused. Mikado put his hand to his forehead and felt the journalist's warm and clammy skin beneath his glove.

The wizard took his hand off was Nikei looked at him in confusion. "...My apologies, I needed to get you to eat something. Start with the soup, I'll be back in a minute." Mikado replied, taking the coffee with him as he walked out of the room. He was surprised that Nikei didn't notice the coffee being gone, but that meant that his condition was currently unfavourable. Mikado went to his bathroom, knowing that every dorm had a first aid kit and a bit of medicine, and he took it with him back to Nikei's bedroom.

Once he arrived inside, Mikado set the kit on the bed and took out a surface thermometer, firmly holding it to Nikei's forehead as the journalist tried to dislodge it. After a mechanical beep, Mikado looked at the results. "Hm, ninety-nine degrees. That explains it." The blonde sighed, turning his attention to Nikei putting the empty soup bowl back on the desk. "Mr. Yomiuri, I think you should head back to bed. I'll get you some medicine for your fever."

"Fuck off. I don't need to be babied, asshole." Nikei huffed as he reached for the large plate, but soon found himself plucked from his chair and being carried from his desk to his bed. "H-Hey! Put me down!"

"Apparently, you do need to be babied, considering that you were still working despite having a fever." Mikado scolded as he used his magic to pull back the bedsheets, dropping a struggling journalist onto them as he forcibly tucked him in. "Honestly, things would be a lot easier if you listened to me, but you don't, and then bad things happen."

Nikei seemed to eventually sink into the cold bedsheets and stopped his struggling, and Mikado pulled the sheets up over him. Grabbing the first aid kit again, Mikado searched for any form of fever medication he could find, and he took out a small bottle of pink liquid.

The journalist noticed Mikado pouring the medicine onto a spoon and scowled. "Don't tell me you're going to feed me that shit." He grumbled.

"Would you prefer I give you the grape-flavoured medicine in here for children? It certainly seems that you're acting like one right now." The wizard shot back, putting the bottle aside so it didn't spill.

"What the hell, I'm not a- MPH?!" Nikei's complaint was muffled as Mikado suddenly shoved the spoon into his mouth. Nikei let out a muffled whine as Mikado drew the empty spoon back and covered Nikei's mouth.

"Please don't make this difficult, it's just medicine. You want your fever to go away, don't you?" The wizard chuckled, and Nikei glared as he reluctantly swallowed the medicine. "Good boy. Here, I'll bring your breakfast." He offered as he went back to his desk to grab the plate and moved it to Nikei's bedside table. 

While Nikei began eating, Mikado put away the medicine and packed up the first aid kit. Mikado noticed Nikei's expression as he ate, it was like he loved the food but would never acknowledge it. The wizard took the first aid kit and went back to Nikei's desk, picking up the closed laptop.

Nikei quickly noticed this and put down his fork. "Hey! Put that back, asshole! Don't you dare take it!" He shouted, but Mikado noticed that he had lost the strength or will to get out of bed.

"What, are you worried that I'll find porn on your browser? Don't worry, I'm literally the last one that'll judge you for that. I'm not going to go on it anyway, so don't you fret." The wizard assured. "I'm just taking it from you so that my notorious overworker actually rests and gets better, and I will return it once your fever finally goes away."

Nikei huffed and turned his attention back towards his food, grumbling obscenities in the blonde's direction. Mikado was amused at Nikei's reactions, they were always the perfect entertainment for him. Whether it came to riling Nikei up, calming him down, or seeing him relaxed with something he liked, all of his reactions were interesting and entertaining in Mikado's eyes.

"Now, if you are not asleep in the thirty minutes I come back at to take your dirty dishes, I will draw up a potion to make you sleep. Are we clear?" Mikado didn't wait a response, and he walked to the entrance of the room and dimmed the lights. "Take care, Mr. Yomiuri."


Art credit: 11037Throwaway on twitter

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