Say It Aint So

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Lol, it is so. So we, well most of us, sure as hell know that Zayn has left his tour supposedly to get his self recollected due to all the cheating rumors....

I call BS on this wholeeeeee story.

Number 1- I don't know about you guys, but I really don't believe that Zerrie was gonna last. Like come on. Yes it was a gut feeling. But those two were engaged for how long?? A year? Do you see the look in Zayn's eyes when he's with her? He looks like he wants to skedaddle outtah there and do something better with his day. I don't think he was happy.

2. I believe that this whole cheating scene was a scheme by their managers. Like come on. Like would Zayn be so stupid to go out with a girl, knowing the paps would spot them from a mile away? Let me explain. Their management wants to portray Zayn as this bad boy who broke poor Perrie Edwards heart. This is a stunt just to get Little Mix more publicity. because honestly....I didn't know who little Mix was. I only know their song Wings. LOL, when I saw that Perrie and Zayn was engaged (Because I really didn't even check for them when they were dating) I swear thought her name was Pierre. Like I was calling her that for the longest time XD Until Val was like 'It's Perrie'. Come on People!!! Little Mix's new album is about to drop so I heard. They just tryna put these gyals in the spot light so people would actually know who they are to improve their album sales....smh. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

3.  I think that Zayn leaving the tour is I think that that was very disrespectful to his fans that paid money to see One Direction (Which includessss Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall AND Zayn) perform. Like what the hell? He did this before too. SO is that like a trend for him? And many of you guys will be like 'Oh he's trying to get his life together." Cry me a damn river. Apparently Zayn is actually leaving the tour and returning on the 28 to fix his relationship with Perrie. Not to get his head straight. Save me the bull.

4. Let's face it guys, this was set up from the JUMP!!. Lol and that tweet 'he' posted. Yeah, that sounds like Zayn right? And if it IS him, I lose even more respect for him because he's calling majority of the people who helped him to reach where he's at, aka his fans, Jealous fucks....kml Wow. I'm pretty sure it was his managers. But anyway...

5. I am 100% sure Not one member of 5SOS would do shit like this. Like leave the tour unless it's for medical reasons or like a death in the family. I am pretty sure. I would spiritually slap the fuck outtah any of them if they do kml. My babies are more noble and more real than that. Trust you me. So we don't even have to worry about that happening.

6. TBH, I really couldn't care less about this incident. When I found out like the day before I legit said 'Lol'.

 I love One Direction's music, especially their Four Album, but I just knew Zerrie was a bunch of bull. Lol, I never followed their relationship because I smelled the BS at the door. When I saw all of this on Wattpad other than 'lol'-ing  I was like 'Wow, didn't see that one coming.' (Do you hear the sarcasm dripping from the screen?) Anyway, sorry if I offended anyone. 

What do you guys think on this subject? Comment your views.

Sorry no updates until next week Friday when Easter break starts. I have like 7 more exams to finish. Some exams fucked everyone who was taking it up.  Lol. On one extremely stupid one we toke, as soon as I opened it, I laughed and was literally like 'lol, t'f is dis shit?' I was so close to writing 'This is retarded' at the end of it but anyway, everyone was fucked.

Hey if you guys wanna chat it up, or need someone to talk to, just message meh ^-^ kay. Bye Lovelies


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