You both are Best Friends but are mistaken as a Couple

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You both are Best Friends but are mistaken as a Couple

Luke- Currently you and Luke were debating about which animal is better. You said pandas while Luke said penguins. The argument was getting a bit intense because it was a topic that was important to both of you. It was your favorite animals and neither one of you were going to lose this argument. "Really Y/N, Penguins live in the cold and they can swim." Luke said.  "Which makes Pandas better because they look like cuddly little things and then they can claw your eye out at the same time." You said. "Just like you." Luke said and then he started to laugh and you playfully hit his arm. "I don't claw people's eyes out!" You said, and Luke still laughed. "Oh really, you remember that you almost fou-" Luke began to say, but you interrupted him. "Well I didn't fight her, anyways she deserved it for trying to take the last packet of Skittles and then talking shit on top of that." You said and Luke shook his head.

"See... you're very vicious..." Luke said, "But not when you're getting tickled!!" He then started to tickle you which made you laugh uncontrollably. Luke and you always have tickle fights for fun, and you started tickling him too. To get more leverage, Luke leaned forward on top of you and tickled you. You thought you heard footsteps walking toward the room, and you did. "What's going on here?" You and Luke heard someone asked and you both looked over to see Michael. "Tickle fight." Luke and you said in unison. "Just fuck already." Michael said and then he walked out the door. You and Luke looked at each other very awkwardly.

Michael- "Shortttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" You heard your best friend Michael say. Michael invited you to sleep over. You were in Michael's room talking to him and being weird. He calls you shorty only to get on your nerves. Michael finds it funny to get on your nerves because of your reactions are unprediactable. "Shut up Clifford!" You yelled at him and he laughed. "I am not short, I'm funsized." "Your still small." He said, and then you walked up to Michael who easily towers over you. "What're you going to do about it?" Michael then asked in a joking manner. "This." You said stomping on his foot. "Oww!" He said in pain. You didn't realize you stomped on his foot hard like that. "Run." Michael said, but you knew that he wasn't mad about it at all. But you still ran off as fast as you can out of his room.

"You can't catch me!!!!" You yelled as you ran. "I'm going to catch you Y/N Y/LN if it the last thing I do!" Michael said as he started running after you. "No you won't Michael Clifford!" You said as you kept on running. Michael was soon behind you and he picked you up and put you onto his shoulder. You tried kicking his back, which was no use ."I caught you." Michael said, laughing. "Michael let me go." You said, giggling.






"GET MARRIED FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!" You heard someone yelled and it sounded as if it was Calum. "I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!" Then you and Michael both laughed.

Ashton- You and Ashton went to the movie theater to watch a new romantic comedy movie. None of your friends that are girls were avaliable, so you decided to ask Ashton to go with you. Surprisingly, he wanted to go with you to see the movie. It didn't surprise you that much since you are best friends with Ashton. Finally you both got into the theater that is showing the movie and you both sat down in the perfect seats. The movie hasn't started so it gives you some time for both you and Ashton to talk. "Are you excited for the movie?" Ashton asked with a smile. "Yes, but shouldn't I be asking you this question?" You asked. "You wouldn't be in this movie if it wasn't your choice." Ashton nodded his head. He knew you were right about it. "You're right, I wouldn't have been here." Ashton joked, "I didn't want my best friend to be alone though.It wouldn't feel right with you being by yourself, you know?" Ashton asked and you smiled."I know, and I would do the same for you." You said, which was true. Ashton and you have both been there for each other no matter what. "Yes, you would." Ashton said, while his winning smile. Then the theater darkened, which you both knew meant the movie was starting. You and Ashton both focused your attention to the screen.

-After The Movie-

Ashton and you both walked out of the theater. It was a really good movie and Ashton seemed to actually like the movie as well. Honestly it made you happy that he liked it too. Then you realized you left your purse in the theater. "Ashton, I left my bag in there." You said, "We should go back."  "Wait here , I'll get it for you." Ashton said and you nodded your head as he walked back in there. You were nervous that he might not find it. In your purse you had everything you need except your phone which was always in your pocket. After a few minutes later Ashton came out with your purse. "Here you go Y/N." Ashton said as he gave you your bag. "Thank you Ashton!" You said with a smile as you hugged him. "Awww look at the pretty couple." You both heard someone say and you looked up to see two senior citizens. You and Ashton both pulled away from the hugged. "Ma'am, we're not dating." Ashton said. "The way you held onto her in the movie theater made says other wise. Action speakes louder than words hun.." she said as she walked off. It left both you and Ashton embarassed.

Calum- Since you were in your flat, you decided to listen to music while cleaning up. Many songs played, from Lips Are Movin' to 7/11. Your music choices contrast so much, that you can't even catch up to how many songs you know. Then the song ***Flawless (Remix) began to play from your phone. Currently, it's one of your favorite songs right now and it interrupted you from your cleaning. You decided to dance to it. "You wake up, flawless. Post up, flawless.Riding round in it, flawless. Flossing on that flawless. This diamond, flawless. My diamond, flawless. This rock, flawless. My Roc, flawless. I woke up like this, I woke up like this. We flawless, ladies tell 'em. I woke up like this, I woke up like this.We flawless, ladies tell 'em. Say "I look so good tonight".God damn, God damn. Say "I look so good tonight".God damn, God damn, God damn." You sang and danced around in your flat. You thought you heard someone come into your flat, but you just shook it off. Then Nicki Minaj's part came up, which you tried to rap but you messed up on some of it (lol). You decided to just sing the rest of it, which you knew so well.

"Cause we A-listers, we paid sisters. This watch right here done faced blizzards.I confess, I woke up like this.All this drank in my cup like this. All this ass on that flawless dick. Instagram another flawless pic. Flawless city with these flawless titties." You rapped and then you heard someone laughing. Then you looked back to see your best friend Calum. "Really?" You asked him, "You could have told me you were here Calum." "I'm sorry, I thought it was cute how you were dancing and singing along." Calum said. "You could have been a robber or killer." You said. "Then again you gave me a key." Calum said waving his key. "Well you have a point." You said, shrugging your shoulders and then he walked towards you. "By the way, you are flawless, Y/N." Calum said which made you smile widely. Then he hugged you and you hugged him back. "Thanks Calum, you're flawless too." You said with a smile. Then Calum flipped his hair and pretend to tear up. "I didn't know I was flawless." Calum said, whcih made you laugh. "It's nice to know that some believes that I am." He said which made you laugh even more. "Of course you are, your my flawless best friend." You said.  "Your my flawless best friend too." Calum said. "That both love each other." You heard someone say, and you both looked up to see Luke, Ashton and Michael. From the voice you knew that Ashton said it. "N- Well- What?" You and Calum said in unison. "They can't even deny it." Michael said and him, Ashton and Luke laughed. TYou and Calum just looked down at the ground blushing..

Credit goes to NeishaForEver!!~ Thanks hun! Hope you guys loved it! Any requests? PM me or comment okay. See you guys later. Vote share and comment!


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