You sleep over for the first time (Lashton)

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Luke- You and Luke have been friends for years now. You didn't know how, but you started to develop a small crush on Luke. Maybe it's because he's a cute, talented, sweet, awesome human being. Hm....maybe that is the reason. You were with him and a couple of your friends out to a party held by a mutual friend of you both. So, you know after the party, Luke gave you a ride home, as usual. You lived with you mum and siblings, but you had no other family members in town. He pulled up at your house. You just graduated so of course you still lived with your mums. You got out the car and walked up to your door. Luke stayed to make sure you went in safely, as usual. Don't you love those kinda people? They make sure you enter the house alive before pulling off like 'Bye Felicia'.  You opened your purse to look for your keys which is usually in it's own pocket, but it wasn't. You dug threw your purse, and it still wasn't there. No worries though. Your mum should be home, you thought. You knocked. Rang the doorbell. Knocked again. No answer. So you decided to bust out your phone, after you gave Luke the 'Just one second' look. So you tried to call your mum. No answer. You tried to call everyone who lives in your answer. 'The hell?' You said, thinking of how weird this was. So you walked your now frustrated black ass back to Luke's car and stood by his window.

"I think I lost my keys and no ones home, and no ones answering their phone." You stated. "Well you can stay by me for tonight." He said giving you a reassuring smile. However, you didn't return it. Actually you looked quite awkward. The reason? Your mama raised you right. You know your ass was gonna be shot if she heard you slept by a man's house like such. But, you know what? You thought maybe you can just stay for a few hours, until someone picks up so they can pick you up from there. Sounds like a plan. You got into the car before he pulled off and headed to his flat. Now you thought nothing when your arrived to his house. You guys were close, so you've been over quite a number of times. However, you never spent the night, and you probably wanted to, but wanted to live all the more. So he turned off his car as you both got out and walked up to his door. He opened the door and let you enter. "So.....crazy night huh?" he asked as you went straight for his couch.

"Yeah. But when the pig was thrown across the room, that was time to go." You said laughing as he did the same. You both sat there for about an hour chatting it up, with you occasionally trying to call your mum or family members but you couldn't reach ANYONE.  

"Maybe it's best you stayed here the night. It's really late anyway." He said as you looked at him. "Probably." You stated. "You can sleep in my bed." He said. "I don't wanna kick you out of your bed Luke." "Who said I wasn't sleeping in my bed?" "...Um" " Get over your self (Y/N). We've laid in the same bed how many times? I'm pretty sure we can share a bed." "....You right." You said realizing the fact that you guys laid in each others bed numerous times. It's just you guys never slept in the same bed together. "I know (Your Mum's name) would kill us if she found out but there's nothing else you can do." He stated walking into his room as you followed. He was right, there was nothing.  He gave you a shirt, which was big on you and his basket ball shorts, which again, was big on you, and you changed into those.  You crawled into bed as he did the same. It felt weird. Just you guys laying in the same bed made your face burn. But now you're actually sleeping in the same bed which was, Kaboom, mind blowing. But this was any girls dream in a way. To sleep next to their crush so...." Night." You said, "Night babe." Babe? You thought to yourself. He doesn't call you that. But you brushed it off, and fell asleep. 

You woke up first. You looked around putting the pieces together as to how you ended up in Luke's flat. You took out your phone to see 27 missed calls. "Oh F__k." you said as you realized they were from your mum. "Whats wrong" Luke asked sitting up. "Twenty seven missed calls?!?" "He asked looking as worried as you were. "Yeah. I'm scared to go home now." You said chuckling in fear. "Well you know you can stay another night if you want to." Luke said smirking. You looked at him before looking back at your phone.  "I'm dead anyways."

Ashton- Today was a pretty boring day for you. You had a slow day at your job so when you went home that evening, you decided to hit up your homie.  You haven't heard from your best friend Ashton today, or yesterday for that matter, and that was weird. You tried calling him. It went straight to voice mail. Odd.  You decided to call his girl friend. She was a friend of yours. So even though you had feelings for Ashton, you respected their relationship. "He Denise." You said as soon as she picked up. "Uh, oh, hey (Y/N). What's up?" She replied. "Nothing much. Have you heard from Ashton lately? I can't reach him.." "....Yeah. He should be home." She replied before you thanked her and said you goodbyes. You decided to grab you bike and ride over to Ashton's place, which wasn't far. You rang the door bell, but got no answer. So you decided to climb the tree to his room, like you usually did. You started climbing until you got to his window which was on the second story. You looked in his window to see Ashton's back turned towards you with his head phones in. You knocked on his window, but he didn't notice. You did it again, and that's when a nice little demonic squirrel cam running towards you and you panicked. "Oh sh_t!" You said trying to catch your balance on the tree. The squirrel ran off. You noticed you were in a bad position and could fall any second now. You l;looked down at that ground and you weren't in to falling. You started knocking frantically on his window now crying out his name. You looked down again, but by the time you looked back to Ashton's window you saw him opening the window. You grabbed his hand as he helped you in. 

"A squirrel from hell almost threw me down your tree man." You said before your eyes shot to his face. "What's wrong with you?" You asked realizing that Ashton's eyes were puffy and he looked like hell. He didn't answer right away. "Denise and I broke up. Well she broke up with me." "Oh my God." You said sympathetically, although, inwardly you were actually leaping for joy. "Why?" "She found somebody else. Well she actually found him while we were still together." "What?" You replied. "You know Kyle?" "Yeah, you mean that jack ass from high school?" "Yeah. She's been cheating on me with him. She told me yesterday." He said sitting on his bed.  He looked like he wanted to cry. You didn't expect Denise to do that. You were actually contemplating going over to her and slamming that bitch's head into the wall. But right now Ashton needed you. Ashton gave his heart to that girl. They were together for about 2 years, like what the hell? You could have been with him all that time, instead of that hoe who just decided to waste it. You sat next to Ashton, placed your arms around him and laid your head on his shoulder. You heard him starting to break down. You felt his hot tears dripping onto your arm as he rested his head on yours and began to let out everything he had been holding in. You just stayed there with him. As long as he needed, even after he finished crying. You didn't realize you fell asleep. You never slept over by his house before, and didn't intend to today at least. Ashton noticed. He wondered if he should wake you up and drive you home but he didn't mind you sleeping over to be honest. Hr actually hoped you did.  He lifted you up and laid you down in his bed. He gazed over your face, looking at your soft features. He then thought of all the things you helped him through, all the things he helped you through. All the great times you shared. And at that moment he thought 'I think I love her.' But not Denise, you. He realized who he really needed. And that was you. He then laid next to you which caused you to stir. You then got up slightly and rested your head on his chest. He placed an arm around you protectively and fell asleep as well.

When you woke up, you were kind of baffled. You recognized that it was Ashton's room but you didn't know how you ended up there. That was until you realized you fell asleep. You were still laying on Ashton's chest. You sighed. It felt so... right.  "Slept well?" You heard Ashton say as you looked up at him. "I slept great." You said smiling. "I did too." 

"Do you feel better?" You asked looking up at him.  "Yeah. Thanks for staying with me." He said kissing your forehead. "I- Your welcome."

Hola guys~ Hope you enjoyed. I'm not feeling good today so I thought I would just post this one. I'll post Calum's and Michael's next. Don't forget to comment share and Any ideas, or requests, leave them in the comments or PM me. 

Sorry for the April fools thing guys loll, I just was like yolo (wow I haven't used that for year anyway) Good Friday is tomorrow so, I might be on, I might not. But I love you guys so much (Just putting that outwards) 31K!!! WOOP~ Bye Lovelies~


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