He's Sick

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After throwing up two times, you go into the kitchen to get some medicine for Calum. 

"I feel like crying because I feel like shit." He complains.

You pout, shaking up the medicine and pouring some in a spoon. Calum opens his mouth and you push the spoon in, letting him swallow the medicine. 

"That should kick in soon." 

"Thank you, baby. I love you,"

"I love you too." You smile.

He leans forward and you lean back, rejecting his kiss.

"What are you doing?" You ask in a squeaky voice.

"I want a kiss!" Calum says childishly. "Am I wrong to want to kiss my very attractive girlfriend?" 

"No," You say. "But, I'm not kissing you Calum." 

"Why not?" 

"Because you're sick. Plus, you just threw up twice, a minute ago! You smell like vomit and medicine." 

He giggles. "Okay, give me a hug then." 

"Not until you smell better," He groans. "You may even try to kiss me."

"You know me too well (Your Name)." 

"Take a shower and brush your teeth then I'll think of kissing you."


"Okay, then I'll kiss you." 

"Fair enough," He says. "But on one condition." 

You groan, he's so needy. "What?"

"Shower with me." He winks.


You enter the bedroom after hearing Luke constantly coughing and groaning so much. He's laying on the bed with his shirt off and eyes closed, breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?" You ask. He looks more pale than ever and his nose is slightly red.

"I think I'm sick," He says hoarsely, opening his eyes. 

You chuckle a bit. "You think?" You sit beside him and feel his forehead. "You're so hot." 

He smirks. "I'm always hot, babe. Thanks for noticing though." 

You smile and smack his arm. "Do you want anything? Any medicine or juice?" 

He shakes his head. "I just want to cuddle with you, love."

You smile lightly. "Okay, but if I get sick I'm sneezing on you."

He scrunches up his nose in disgust. "You're disgusting," 

"You love me."

"Very much." He pinches your cheek and you smack his hand away. 

"Ouch!" He pouts. 

"Do you wanna cuddle or not?"

He nods childishly.

You lay beside him and intertwine your legs and arms with his. Your head rests on his bare chest as he strokes your hair softly. 

"Mmm. This feels lovely," He says. "You're so warm and your hair is so soft."

"Thanks weirdo," You say, tracing his bare chest. "Just don't cough on me."

"I'll try not to," He smiles. 

After a minute of silence he finally speaks. "(Your Name)?" 

You look up to his face. "Yeah, Luke?"

"You give way better cuddles than Michael." 

You laugh. "Thanks Luke...that really means a lot, babe."


"Hey Ash, Im feeling tacos today, you? Ashton?" You asked as you walked into your room noticing his absence. "Babe!" You shout turning around to walk out the room when you heard noise coming from the bathroom. You walked in to find Ashton kneeling down by the toilet vomitting his heart out. You walked to his side and knelt down to him. "Oh my God your burning up." You said removing your hand from his hot forehead.

He finally stopped and looked up at you. "I'm sick."

"Well I can see that babe." you said continuing to rub his back. He looked so pale and fragile. You felt so sorry for him. "You think it's something you ate?"


"Ohhhh- I told you not to order a fish sandwich from Burger King. I told you that that is food poison central." You scolded remembering your words of wisdom from yesterday, feeling just slightly less sympathetic now. He just groaned and pouted. "I have to get you to a hospital, hun." You said placing his arm around your shoulder and helping him stand up.  He brushed his teeth and then you helped his weak body into the bedroom


"Uh huh?"

"Kiss me."


"Kiss me."


"Come on-"

"Are you crazy?" You said gigling. "You have to be in-"

"Give me some sugar." He said playfully leaning in. 

"Or Nah." You said before placing him onto the bed. He pouted. Did he really think you were going to kiss him after what you just witnessed? Well you did, on the forehead. He smiled cheekily at you as you smiled back at your poor baby.  "I'm gonna call Dr. Russell over okay babe?"

"Kay." He answered hugging you while he snuggled up close. "I love you."

"Love you too boo."


"Oh hell. No. Who gave you.... that gotdamn bell?"  

"Calum." He deadpanned as you stood over him glaring. Michael had been sick today and yesterday. Yesterday was fine, but today, you wondered where the hell did this bell just magically appeared from.

"You really think I'm gonna be answering that?" You asked placing your hands akimbo. 

"Didn't think you would...But you don't want your boyfriend to suffer here do you?" He asked giving you those puppy dog eyes.

"Keep ringing that gotdamn bell and we'll just see." He pouted. "So what do you need now? More tea?"

"No. Can you pass me that please?" He said pointing at the cup of water that was literally two feet away from him. You inhaled sharply as you turned around and walked out of the living room before you cussed your boyfriend out. 

"I was joking!" He called out to you as you continued to walk away. "I was kidding!" He got up to go after you. "Come on babe. Alright I'll throw away the bell."

"Mhm" You said turning around to look at him.

"I didn't know you were going to come! Like I'm purely shocked."

"Whatever." You said shaking your head and slightly smiling.

"Well maybe I'll keep the bell." You walked into the room yall shared and shut the door on him. "Love you!"


kml, hoped you guys like this one Val and I made. Any requests? Comment them or PM me pwease! Don't forget to comment, share and vote!! ^_^ I did the fish poisoning thing because I specifically remember being food poisoned from eating a piece of a fish sandwich from burger king when I was like 7. That was horrible~ Like, never again. But anyway, thanks for reading guys!! 


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