He tells you his real feelings

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Keep calm and love C.A.L.M- 

 Calum- You're in your apartment on the couch having a movie marathon with the boys. After an hour you announce you're getting some drinks. "Does anyone want any?" You ask looking at the boys who are deep into the movie playing. "I'll have a coke," Michael says. "Me too." Ashton says with a slight smile. "Sprite please." Luke says not turning his eyes from the screen. You nod. "And you Cal?" You ask after realizing he didn't answer. He blushes then looks down. "No thanks, (Y/N)."

Awkward, you thought. You nod anyways then head to the kitchen, hearing small snickering from the guys. They've been acting awkward for a few weeks now. Like whenever you'd enter the room things would get quiet but laughter would be heard behind your back. It was frustrating now. You take out two cokes, a sprite and a grape for you. You absentmindedly slammed the grape down out of anger. "You okay?" Calum asks leaning on the fridge door. "I'm fine." You say, not meaning a word of it.

"Uh, no you're not, know you. You just slam down a soda when it didn't do anything to you." He smirks walking closer to you. You guys were a few inches apart. You don't crack a smile. "What are you guys hiding from me Calum? And don't lie. Every time I enter the room you guys stop all your talking and it's getting to me. I know you're talking about me and I have the right to know w-" Before you can finish your rant he cups your cheek and presses his lips to yours, silencing you. At first you were confused. Why was he doing this? But then it occurred to you. He liked you. All of this time they were teasing him about you and didn't want you to know. And the more you thought of it, you liked him too. So you kissed him back, harder. "And I wonder why we never got our soda. Get a room!" Michael says, taking the sodas. You break the kiss, smiling at the ground. Calum groans aloud. "Good thing I sent you in here right Cal?" "Whatever." He says biting his lip to hold back a smile.

Michael- You invited Michael over for game night. You both decided that you wanted to play FIFA and you being your awesome self, you were winning. "Fuck yeah! I'm gonna kick your ass Clifford." Michael giggles but instantly stopped to sigh. "Can I ask you a serious question (Y/N)?" Michael asks as he pauses FIFA. You were nervous because this wasn't the giggly Michael, he was being serious. You set down your remote control then face him. "What is it?" He opens his mouth but closes it quickly. "Do -" He furrows his eyebrows probably thinking of ways to ask you. "Never mind." He finally says. "What is it, Michael?" You ask more firmly. If there was one thing you hated is when someone started a sentence then stopped and said "never mind."

"Nothing." He snaps. "Maybe people are right. I'm insane for liking someone like you even though you'd never in a million years like me. I mean, you're a diamond and I'm like, a rock. A fucking rock." He scratches his head out of frustration. You were surprised by his outburst. Michael liked me? You thought. Of course he'd tell you were beautiful countless of times but you would've never known. It wasn't obvious but maybe it was because you were oblivious. After minutes of not replying Michael sighs.

 "Look, you don't have to reply. Hell, you don't even have to like me. It's just - I had to get that off of my chest." He sighs again. "I'm going to leave." He gets up. "Wait," You say. "Please don't go. Michael I have no idea how you'd come up with the assumption of you being a rock. You're the best guy I've ever met. And I guess we both have to get something off our chests right? Because I like you too." He looks surprised but takes back his seat beside you. "You like me?" You nod. "A lot." "Really? You're not saying this to make me feel better?" "Actually I am." You joke with a smile. "You're a piece of work (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and I fucking love it." He seals his lips to yours as you smile into the kiss.

Luke- "Oh my God. I'm going to kill him." Luke basically screams when you tell him your situation. Your boyfriend had recently broken up with you after you found out about him cheating. "Luke, please calm down." You whisper through your tear. Luke's blue eyes were wild and dark. "No the fuck I won't!" You flinch at his harshness. "He doesn't understand how fucking lucky he was to call you his girlfriend. How lucky he was to be able to kiss you and hold you and he cheated on you? He fucking broke your heart (Y/N) I'm not going to 'calm down.'" He says mimicking your voice.

"Look I understand you're upset but now you're just taking it out on me!" You shout back. "No you clearly don't understand how upset I am (Y/N)!" He pulls at his hair. "I need some fresh air." He walks through the front door, shutting it. More tears rolled down your cheeks now. First your boyfriend cheated and broke up with you now your best friend was extremely upset with you. You sigh, massaging your temples. A few minutes later the door re opens revealing Luke whose eyes are blood shot. "Have you been crying?" You ask and he nods. "I didn't mean to upset you." You say softly. "I'm sorry for shouting at you." He says, his tone much gentle than before. "It's just so fucking irritating to know that you're hurt. And I'm just jealous, that's all."


"Yes, I'm jealous. (Y/N). I've liked you the moment I saw you. And feelings this strong just don't go away so I'm sorry. I know it's selfish for me to be jealous when you're hurting but it is what it is." You swallow the lump in your throat. "I can't believe you like me." He smiles softly. "Would you believe me if I did this?" He walks towards you then strokes your cheek. "You're so beautiful (Y/N) So, so beautiful." And then he kisses you and you immediately kiss him back and just like that all your problems vanished. There wasn't any ex-boyfriend, there wasn't any cheating, there wasn't anything. It was just you and Luke. You, Luke and his soft damn lips.

Ashton- Both you and Ashton decided that because you guys were hungry you should go out to a nearby restaurant. The restaurant was only three blocks away from your house so you came up with the brilliant idea to walk. After you guys had dinner Ashton pays, then opens the restaurant door for you. You guys then begin to walk back to your place. "The food was delicious." You say with a smile. "I need to eat Italian more often." Ashton giggles. "It was pretty good." He says in return.

After that there were so many flashes you thought you were going to be blinded. For a day you almost forgot Ashton was famous. Maybe it was because you guys didn't come out with each other often. You shield your eyes from the flashes. Ashton holds onto your arm then starts to guide you, he was immune to all the flashing lights of course. "Ashton Irwin, Ashton! Are you dating (Y/N)?" A paparazzi asks.

Of course there were rumors that you dated Ashton because you two were that close. "Do you like (Y/N)? You guys hang out a lot." Another paparazzi says emphasizing the word a lot. "What will the fans think when they see this?" "Why do you hang out so much?" All of the questions were if he dated you or if he liked you and they seemed as though they'd never go away until they got an answer. After being only two blocks away you decided to speak. "Ashton, just tell them the truth. That you don't like me or I'm going to be fucking blind by tomorrow." Ashton grumbles then comes to a stop, which causes you and all the paps to stop but of course the flashes didn't.

"You want to know what's up? I love (Y/N)." You remove your hand not giving a shit less about your sight. He loves me? You question yourself.  "And don't even ask me why because I cannot begin to tell you why." He sighs then looks at you. "She's just amazing and lovely and funny and I just love her. She's so beautiful. I don't know what my fans will think but I hope they will accept that I'm in love and I'm happy."

Your mouth is wide open because you can't believe it. Ashton confessed his love for you in front of paps. Everyone was waiting on your reply, even Ashton. "I - I love you too. I mean I don't see myself being with anybody else. Whenever I think of forever I always see your smiling face Ash. You're my forever. So I love you. I love you a lot." The reporters cooed and you wanted to cuss them for ruining the moment when Ashton first said he loved you. But then you thought of it. It was okay because they had caught your first reaction to the most life changing news. He loves you. He could have any girl he pleased and he loves you. So you took it upon yourself to kiss him which caught him and the paps completely off guard. 

Hey guys, thanks for reading. Writing credit goes to~ _valeriexo le best friend :D thanks hun. HAPPY NEW YEAR~ Don't forget to comment, share and vote! Bye lovelies~


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