He meets the father- Michael (You're a single mum series)

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Michael- You and Michael's relationship have been going strong for a solid year, so it was no surprise that Naomi had told her dad about her Mikey. And just as you suspected, her dad was feeling some type of way. You kind of didn't blame him because if it was the other way around, you wouldn't want no hoes around your daughter for so long with out even meeting them before. But at the end of the day, of course you didn't like Carlos', Naomi's father, girlfriend Kelly. So who was he to approve of who you dated anyway?

So when Carlos called this morning and asked that you, him, Naomi, Kelly AND Michael to go out for lunch you were like 'Aw Hell no~' . But, you thought that Carlos should at least meet Michael because he was in both of your daughter's life. And he was in town.

Michael didn't mind at all. Well you hoped. So you guys decided to meet up at a restaurant. But your instincts just told you to leave Naomi with her babysitter. You didn't know what was going to happen, but Naomi came first.

So you and Michael arrived at your destination and got out of the car.

"So what is his name again?"

"Carlos Cardoza."

"'Kay, got it." Michael said as you just gave him a reassuring smile, placed your arm around his waist and you both walked inside. And what a surprise...no seriously, you didn't expect Carlos to be on time, like damn. And Kelly too? Shot. Something was wrong.

"Hey (Y/Nickname)." Carlos said opening up his arms for a hug.

"Hey." You said giving him a quick side hug. It might of came off as cold but you didn't care.

"So you must be Mikey?" Carlo said sizing up Michael.

"Michael." Michael said shaking Carlos' hand.

"So this is the guy who my little Nai's been talking to me about." Carlos asks you.

"Yea,h he is. We've been dating for a while-"

You heard someone cough and looked over to that person to see Kelly standing there.

"Hi." You said giving her a small wave and continuing to ignore her. She really was irrelevant.

"So Australia huh, white boy? You're in a big time band I hear. Am I right vato?"

"Well yeah..." Michael said kind of not knowing how to take Carlos. Carlos was those authentic Cuban American guys. So you wouldn't be surprise if Michael was a little intimidated. Carlos was a very handsome guy. He has a great body with sleeve tattoos that basically goes to his neck. He was tatted up. He had straight dark brown hair and nice brown eyes. And you knew by the way Carlos was looking at Michael, he had a problem.

"(Y/N), lets say we go and talk in private?" Carlos asked. You eyed him. "Un momento?" You sighed and walked outside with him.

"I'll be right back Michael."

You guys were now outside. And immediately Carlos started his stupid laugh. That same laugh he does when he's pissed, and ready to hurt someone's feelings.

"The hell you doing with this white boy (Y/N)? And what's up with his hair?"

"Carlos, just because you're Cuban doesn't mean you aren't white either. Last time I checked you have straight hair and fair skin so what's you're problem? You're basically a white boy-"

"My problem is that you have my daughter around this guy." Carlos said .

"Listen, you really think I would let anyone around my daughter unless I know they're good people? Then you got me fucked up." You said as Carlos just rolled his eyes.

"And again, what the fuck is up with his hair? Is he fucking emo?? Why the fuck is my kid around this fucking emo?!?"

"He is not emo. If anything he's a scene- fuck labels. Okay."

"I don't see why you're with him and not with me-"

"'Cause you cheated on me, and lied to me, and Michael is a great guy who has been honest with me from the get go...oh and you have a girlfriend....Kelly, remember her?"


"Can we go back inside now? We've been out here a little long now."

You said cutting him off. You love Carlos. Of course you do because he is the father of your daughter, so he was automatically family. But you really weren't in love with him. You were just over him to be honest. And you really didn't feel like listening to his 'I want you back' speech again.

"....Yeah, whatever."

Thirty minutes later

"Listen... Michael right?"Carlos said, and you were just sitting like 'oh shit...what's he about to say now?' "I kinda like you as a person. You seem alright." You didn't expect that from the king of mean actually.

"You're not too bad yourself." Michael said looking quite accepted.

"But no matter how close you get to my baby mama and daughter, I'm still 'daddy'."

"Carlos come on." You said almost laughing.

"Got that Mikey? Fuck it. Okay, okay, (Y/N) can call you daddy-"


"But when it comes to you and my daughter, that's off limits."

"Oh my God Carlos!!"

Hey guys~ I'll do the others separate like this one okay. I didn't want yall to wait any longer so I was like 'just do them separately.' So here you guys go. Na school, so I'll update tomorrow and stuff. Yup, the guy in the pic is suppose to be Carlos.....just pretend.

 I know a lot of you aren't from the Caribbean so you might not be into soca as much as me but damn. I love Soca so freaking much. And no...it is not the same as reggae....it's not. I can't wait tell I get older to participate in, or at least watch, Carnival. This year's Soca 2015 songs was freaking STELLAR. I'm pretty sure some of you guys might like it. If your interested in listening to some more songs here is a little song list to check out if you want (2015 Soca) Careful it's infectious once you get into it, hard to stop:

Olatunji - Ola (Kan Kan Riddim) "2015 Soca" (Love this so much)

Live and Whine- Julien Believe (The Bahamian Usher...no for real...he looks like Usher...for real)

Like ah Boss -Machel Montano

Destra - Lucy (This song reminds me so much of me lmfaoo)

Party Done- Angela Hunte & Machel Montano

VagaBond- Ricardo Drue

Anyway guys! Love yall~ See yall tomorrow!! Bye lovelies~


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