You go into labour (Ashton)

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Ashton- Things have been going well with your pregnancy. Nothing out of the ordinary, and everything the way that it should be.  Your water broke. Just two days before your due date but it wasn't rare that you went into labour early.  Ashton of course was home and able to drive you to the hospital. He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding yours as you were breathing heavily out of pain.  But in no time he had you by the hospital emergency entrance for the nurses to come and take you to the paternity ward. The only two people Ashton called was your mum and his....but of course they called everyone one else on their way to the hospital.

The doctor allowed Ashton to stay in the room with you to hold your hand and calm you down. The birth almost took ten hours, which is not bad for your first pregnancy. But it was all worth it when your bouncy baby girl was born. The doctors cleaned her up and gave her to you as you eyed and held your precious baby. Ashton stood there just watching you two with love he never thought he would have felt before. 

"You want to hold her?" You asked Ash as he slowly nodded his head and took the baby from your hands.

"She's so beautiful."

"She looks like you-ermmmmm." You said in pain as you felt what would have to be an contraction. "What- What's going on?"

"This is probably the after birth my dear, don't worry." Your nurse said before she went down there to check. "Uhh, doctor?"

"What is it?" Your doctor asked your nurse as she pointed down there for him to take a look. "Uhh...that's-that's another head." He said as your eyes shot to Ashton and his to you as you both stared at each other in shock.


"Well it uh, appears so. (Y/N) We're going to need you to push alright." The doctor said as you did as you were told. And with four pushes, your next baby was out, but you didn't hear it crying.

"Why, why isn't it crying?" You asked frantically as you saw nurses and your doctors move frantically around doing something you couldn't quite see. The baby wasn't breathing so they were giving it baby CPR. 

It was about thirty minutes afterwards, and you still heard no word about your second child. You held your baby girl in your arms as Ashton paced the room up and down waiting to hear the status of your second child. That was until the doctor entered the room.

"He's alright." Your doctor said before Ashton bent down and hugged you as you both were so relieved that your baby was now fine and your mother and his mother hugged each other, also excited. 

"So...he's a boy?" Your mum asked as the doctor nodded his head. 

"How didn't we know we were having...twins?!?" Ashton asked.

"Well, sometimes one twin can hide behind the other and not be seen. And she is quite smaller than her brother. Five pounds, six ounces to be exact." The doctor continued.

"When can we see him?"

"We'll bring him in right now." He responded before he stepped out of the room. Two minutes he returned back with your baby boy in his arms giving him to you. You looked at your beautiful son who you didn't even expect to have. But he was gorgeous you thought as he yawned, still asleep.  You nudged your head to tell Ashton to come and hold him and he did.

"Wow." He said smiling down at his little boy before he began to giggle. "Two beautiful kids in one go. We're on a ball uh?" He said before you smiled at him chuckling.

"Look at my two grand babies." Your mum said walking up to Ashton and looking at your son as his mom sat next to you admiring your daughter.

"So what are you going to name them?"

"Chelsey Kierre Irwin and Austin Fletcher Irwin." You replied.

"Wow, Austin and Chelsey. Aint that cute." your mum said.

"Wait tell the guys hear about this."

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