Slaying and Society

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Hola Senoritas~ Maybe Senors~ (You never know) lol Anyway, this kind of topic has been on my mind a while, and I was wondering if I can share it with you guys. It's about forgiveness in society tbh.

Like for the past few weeks so many things have stuck out to me. The way people in society 'drags' people now a days or goes to 'slay' them.

So, basically, what I want to get through is this. Can we be a more forgiving society? Like there was a incident where someone said something really offensive, and a lot of girls went and told her about her ass, you know. And it was said that she ended up in the hospital due to attempting an overdose.

Now I'm going to say what I can't stand.

1) I can't stand when people drag others into their argument with someone. Like come on can't handle it one on one?

2)Another thing I can't stand. If you guys see someone do something or hear someone say something problematic does it take a whole squad of you to attack that person? Shouldn't it just be one, or two maybe three? But like putting that person out there, even though they may...deserve it, you know that others are going to follow suit and try to drag that person too. Like there are 7 billion people on this world and I'm pretty sure many are gonna take a couple shots of their own. So...ease up guys.

3) Now this is just...come on guys. Anger consumes us all I get it. But when we deal with problematic people and stuff, we can at least use decent, intellectual words. No like for real. I don't care if that person calls you a 'mother f___ker', 'N___er'' 'B_tch' you know. It IS going to stimulate you in a negative way, but still if you do not give them a reaction that is seeping with anger and rage, they're just going look and feel stupid. For example:

Problematic person: Black girls? More like black un-evolved monkeys who act ghetto as f__k with no class and always showing their lumpy ass. Getting food stamps and worrying about who their baby daddy's with now.(OMFG I just thought of that on the spot lmfaoo woah, that was weird)

You: @Problematic person, What you said was really unnecessary, ignorant, foolish and stupid. To dehumanize someone based on their race or ethnicity is vile and something that you should be ashamed of. So either you delete the comment or I will report you....(well yall get it right?)

Instead of: Bitch who the fuck you think you are? I will drag your mayonnaise, looking, ugly ass bitch. Your ass look like a fucking koala bear bitch with yellow ass teeth. @Best friend come drag this bitch.

See^^ that just makes you just as bad stooping to their level. But if they see how civilized and classy you handled what they said and see that you were not brought to anger but brought to the attention of how stupid they were, then guaranteed they will more than likely to re-evaluate what they said. And THEY will feel like the ASS

And as black girls, they expect us to act that type of way. NOOOOO PLEASEEEE DO NOT feed into that okay. And even if you say something as educated as the example of the first response I gave, and the person comments something ignorant or stupid again, just let them know that you have no time to waste on them, which you shouldn't, re-state, if you choose to, what you said and move on. Cause a lot of stupid problematic people just LOVE fighting with people. Don't give them that type of fight okay.

When I see girls putting on army gear to go slay a bitch I just stay out of it cause like, sometimes we don't know when to stop. Sometime I'm like 'okay yall don't think that's enough' even to the most disrespectful person cause at the end of the day, arguing my not do crap. And some people are fragile, (yes even the shit talkers) and only can take so much 'slaying'.

So guys, we got to learn to be more forgiving and merciful. I'm at that point in my life where I know I don't have to run on with people, or continuously argue with people. 'Cause like the bible says...or where ever I heard this 'One who argues with a fool, only proves that there are two'....get it?

Side note: Dis gyal, Madison Beer. I'm going to use her as an example.

I am not a fan of hers. She's a beautiful girl, even though it's rumored she had you know, work done. She's a homie hopper. She's only a 'singer' cause her parents got money. She talks to people real shitty, and I have seen evidence of it, especially on tumblr. Don't get me started on her sex tape. She had to be home schooled because she bullied a gay boy to death.........

And even though I dislike her character, I don't go up on her youtube videos leaving hate comments. I just watched one of her music videos like just now, and it's like a rip off of Selena Gomez and Demi Lavato anyways. I don't dm her on twitter telling her about how much of a bitch she is. None of that. I have no time for that, and honestly, a lot of people do it already so like enough of that. Now if anyone asks me what I think of her, I aint gonna front, I don't know her personally. But from what she has displayed, for a girl who is like only one year older than me and has been so sleezy....I do not like her. But honest to the master, I would give her a chance if I ever met her. I will not treat her with disrespect or anything like that because she is stilll a human. And I love all human beings. As a Christian like, is that what I'm not to do? I may dislike some people, but I love everyone. Some people do need to fix their ways, me included. But we really, really shouldn't like ridicule people full force you know....

Lets take a more calmer, yet firm approach to issues guys. Along with respect. Let's start this trend, well continue it, to show others that we can handle situations in a decent and civilized way.

Anyways, what do you guy's think? Leave a comment below. Tomorrow is the last day of school for me sense it is my last exam and like....what is school after exams. Anyway, love you guys. Bye Lovelies~


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