How he reacts to you being mentioned.

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Couldn't think of a better title.... sorry lmao, i suck.

Wanted to add gifs but idk how? Anyway...

How are you? Hope you guys are well xx Thanks for all the reads and votes!

-Calum's voice- I fuckin luh you.

Short, I apologise. I hope you guys at least like it.. idk..

-Val :-)


Every time you're being mentioned, it's normally during the boys' interviews. When the interviewer asks Calum about you, his eyes would go all bright and cute. He'd bite his lip attempting to stop that huge grin from spreading on his face, but he'd fail. It didn't help when the boys would complain how whipped he was for you and how he's always talking about you. This only resulted in his eyes shutting from the bright smile on his face thinking about how happy you make him.


Luke and the other guys would be trying to write a few songs where they'd randomly bring you up. Luke would start off with a small smile telling them to shut up and focus, only to have them tease him more. "Are you gonna make this song about (Your Name).. hmmm?" Calum asks him. Then he'd do that cute thing where he smiles brightly and puts his tongue between his teeth, showing off his dimples and says "maybe."


Ashton would recently come off the phone with you (which was a daily thing) and is all happy because he hasn't seen you in months due to tour. His cheeks would be slightly rosy and his dimples would pop out because that's naturally the affect you have on him. When he gets around the boys he'd still be smiling causing them to eye him. "Just got off the phone with (Your Name)?" Luke asks. "Yeah, how'd you know?" "Your cheeks look like a cherry!" Michael teases him causing him to blush more. "I can't help it, I love her."


With Michael, his mum would constantly bring you up every time he's over. You've met with his mum several times and she swears she loves you more than Michael himself and of course, he objects to that. Michael would always groan like he's annoyed but in reality, he loves talking about you. His eyes would turn into a bright green and his face would break into an adorable smile. Then, he'd gush about how pretty you are and how much in love he is with you. "So, I'll be having some grand babies in the future?" His mum asks. "We intend to."

Seriously sooo sorry it's all short and.. stuff uhhh :[

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Oooo and also.... Leave requests down below so we'll know what you'd like to read!! Don't be shy...

-Val :-)

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