You're broken up part two (Michael & Ashton)

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You stare at your phone, hoping to receive Michael's call. You've missed him so much and It's only been two days since he has landed in England. 

How is he? Is he okay? You needed to know.

"Why did you two even break up?" Your friend asks knowing you've been thinking of him non stop. You've forgotten you invited her over for comfort.

You look away from your phone and finally say. "I was afraid he'd find someone better and realize that he shouldn't be with me." You shrug once. "I still am, actually." 

She sighs softly. "Why are you always so insecure about yourself (Your Name)?" She rolls her eyes. "When will you realize you're fucking beautiful and that Michael is in love with you?" 

"He was." You mutter to yourself.

"Seriously? It's been two days for God's sake! He's still in love with you!" She almost shouts. "Poor guy is probably crying himself to sleep. I think you should call him and stop waiting on him to call you." 

Sheesh, what's her problem? You think. She's acting like she was in the relationship. But you knew she was right.

You bite your lip and pick up your phone dialing his number. 

"Hello?" Michael's voice slurs into the phone. 

You're so excited to hear his voice but can not ignore the fact that he's drunk. 

"Michael.." You start not knowing what to say next.

"That's me," He giggles. "Who is this?"

"It's (Your Name)." You say. 

It felt so pointless to you then. Michael didn't even recognize your voice. I shouldn't have called, you think.

"I'm just calling to say hello. I hope all's well and tour is -" 

"Michael..." A whinny girl voice calls out in the background, sounding like she's been waiting far too long.

Oh God, please no..

"Hold on a sec," He whispers to the voice but you still hear.

"Michael, who is that?" You say and desperately hope it's a friend but somehow you knew it wasn't.

"(Your Name) I -" He sighs. "I met someone at a bar."

You cover your mouth to stop the loud sob from escaping which comes out anyway. Countless tears run down your face and you feel so stupid. 

Is she prettier than me? How can he hook up so early? Didn't he love me? Does he still?

"Please, don't cry. You broke up with me, okay? It's not my fault -"

You hang up and toss the phone to the nearest wall and it shatters. Your fingers reach in your hair and you tug in frustration. 

"I love him, how could he do this to me?" You whisper through your tears.

"(Your Name), I'm so sorry." You friend says as she rubs your back gently. 

You let out a shaky breath then sniffle. "This was my worst nightmare,"


(Ashton POV)

"I mean, I don't know, should I text her?" I ask the lads who rolls their eyes. "I don't want to seem clingy."

"You told her that you were going to right?" Calum asks and I nod my head. "Then do it, duh."

I pick up my phone then search up (Your Name) under my contacts. Our previous messages pop up and I think of how different things are with us. When I saw her at the shop she seemed so distant. I wonder if texting her is the right thing to do.

Before I could back out I sent her a text. 

Me: Hey, It's Ashton.

Shit, was that too dry? Does she already know that it's me? Stupid, stupid. Before I could think further my phone whistles. It's (Your Name) and she still has the hearts beside her name from when we were together. 

(Your Name): Heyy Ash. What are you up to? (:

Suddenly I feel nervous. My palms begin to sweat and my stomach feels upset. She still has this affect on me. Where's your voodoo doll, (Your Name)?

Me: I'm hanging out with the lads. I decided to text you like I said I would. 

Should I have put a smiley? I'm over thinking this, we're friends. I wanted us to be friends. 

(Your Name): I've missed Cal, Mikey and Lucas. Tell them I said hello. And I see, man of your word, as always. x

I giggle at her last sentence, I suddenly feel at ease. 

Me: You should come by one day. They've missed you like crazy btw, make it seems like you were their girlfriend.

(Your Name): I'm busy all week, sorry. I can drop by today if you're not busy?

Today? That means I have to look presentable. 

Me: Not busy at all. Time?

(Your Name): In an hour?

Me: Sure. See you. xx

What is this? She likes me still, I'm sure. I don't know how I feel though. Only reason I backed out of the relationship was because I didn't feel we were fit for each other. We grew apart and I've learned to face that...I think... I don't know if she has though.

After making myself presentable I decided not to tell the lads about her visiting. A little over an hour the door bell rings and Michael gets it. 

"(Your Name)?!?!" He screams. "Fuck, you're here!" He touches her face and she laughs. 

"I am." She smiles.

"I haven't seen you in forever! Damn." He hugs her tightly and invites her in.

Everyone else greets her warmly and it's my turn.

"Hi," I blush. She looks so pretty even though I've seen her only a few hours ago.

"Hey Ash. Do I get a hug?" Before I can answer she hugs me tightly.

I hug her back and smile. I know we're broken up but this feels right.

Hey!! Sooo sorry for late updates! We've been very busy with all of the school work but we're going to try to set a goal so that you'll have a new update at least 3 or 2 times a week (sorry if that's little :( ) 

I hope you liked it! Like, comment, share and follow!



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