You tell him you're Pregnant

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Michael- You were in the car with your friend after a major freak out. You had just found out that you were indeed impregnated by your boyfriend of four years, Michael. You were exited, shocked, worried, and in denial all at the same time, but your friend managed to calm you down. It took a lot of shaking and almost led to a slap but you calmed down. "So are you gonna ring him up and tell him?" Your best friend asked you. "I don't know how to tell him." "All I'm gonna say is you sit him down, get a couple bottles of water...and lay it on that mutha fvcker. You said that you guys were playing it safe! You said you guys-" "(Y/B/F/N)!" You said cutting her off, who was now freaking out herself. Well you didn't expect anything different. She was your sister from another mister and it came as a shock to the both of you. "I know how I'm gonna tell him... I gotta make a quick stop home before he comes home first though."

Michael's P.O.V

Ding Dong I heard the door bell ring. I went to open the door to find the pizza delivery man. "Uh, Surprisingly I didn't order any pizza today, but I'll gladly t-" "It's already payed for man." The Pizza guy stated shoving the pizza in my hands. "A lady, uh, (Y/N) ordered it." He said as I nodded and he left. "Guys! (Y/N) ordered pizza!" I yelled to the Ashton, Callum and Luke, who were in the living room. "Awesome." Ashton stated. "And you're telling us this why? Knowing you're not gonna share it." Luke and his smart ass stated, "Shut up Luke." I said to Luke and his smart ass. "I was offering you guys a slice. I'm not completely heartless." I stated as I placed the pizza on the kitchen counter. They came in the kitchen and took a slice each. The rest was now for me after I put a few slices away for (Y/N). As the slices decreased I noticed some writing on the bottom of the box. It read; "Hey Mikey! It's (Y/NN). Look in the oven ;) " Doing what the pizza box said, I looked in the oven. I saw an overly stuffed pizza box and took it out. I opened it and I saw a bunch of buns in it. I didn't get it at first until I removed the buns to reveal another set of words at the bottom of the box that said; "Hey Mikey. I know you didn't get it so here you go. Wait! Haha J/K. Anyway, I have a bun in the oven! Michael...Michael...I'm Pregnant." That was the last thing I saw before I screamed. "Guys! Guys! " The guys ran into the kitchen. When the saw no bodily harm, a bunch of buns and my facial expression the gave me the 'What the hell face'. "I'M GONNA BE A DADDY!"

Ashton- Ashton and your relationship has been going so wonderfully for the past four and a half years. When you realized that you were experiencing morning sickness and mood swings you questioned, 'Am I pregnant? Nah~' You denied until your ass decided to do the smartest thing and get a pregnancy test. Like you suspected, it came out with the two lines. You sighed. You knew that Ashton didn't wish to be a father so soon. How were you going to tell him? You began to tear up but you sucked it up quickly and exited the restroom.

Ashton's P.O.V

I was on the tour bus heading towards Detroit (Lol Random) for our concert there. I always miss (Y/N) when I'm on the road so we'll always face time, Skype or anything just to see each other every day. Right now she was calling viva Skype and I answered. "Hey Ashley." she joked as I just giggled. "Hey Babe~" I sang as she began to snicker. "What's up?" "Uh, well Luke is on his phone tweeting where as Michael is running away from Calum who is trying to hump everything in his path. Oh, and I'm talking to you." "Oh. So the usual." "Yip pretty much." I said smiling as she smiled back. "That's a pretty head band." I said, "Oh thanks." She said as I furrowed my eyebrows. Was something wrong? She seemed a little distant. "Babe are you alright?" I asked. "Uh, yeah, well I just hope you'll be." She said biting her nails. "What? Why?" "'Cause we're havin' a little Irwin." I didn't;'t speak. I was too busy processing what she just said. "You're pregnant?" I asked her as she nodded. "Listen I know you didn't want to be a father yet, and I'm sorry because I'm half to blame but so are you. But don't worry. If you don't want him or her, I'll raise him or her on my own. I don't wanna hinder your car-" "What are you talking about Babe. Of course I want the baby. I mean, if I had the choice, now wouldn't be the right time, but too late for that now right?" I asked her as she nodded and smiled. "So...we're gonna be parents!" She said as I witnessed her bubbly self return. "Yes we are babe! *Bang* What the hell was that?" I asked her as I noticed her head swing to her left. "Oh my God. That was my mum." She said covering her mouth as I looked in shock. "She fainted." "What? You're serious?" (Y/N) shrugged before she said "Well I guess she'll think again before not making her presence known when she comes to visit."


Calum's P.O.V

(Y/N) and I were having dinner with my mum and sis Mali. It went as it always did, slightly awkward, but great. They loved her. "So when did you say the next tour is going to be?" Mum asked. "In like a month." I announced as I took a bite of my food. "Excuse me." (Y/N) said as she got up to go to the rest room. "She's gonna miss you." Mali said, "Well won't you all?" I said sarcastically as Mali smiled and rolled her eyes. "How are the 'I missed you' gifts when you return from tours?" Mali asked wiggling her eyebrows as I looked at her with a 'Do you not see mum here?' face. "I'm pretty sure it's great." "Mum!" I said snickering. "Well maybe when you return you'll have a different surprise." Mum said as I gave her a questioning look. "Why?" I asked. They then pointed behind me as I saw (Y/N.) My mouth dropped. 

I looked at here amazed as I saw the t-shirt she had slipped on while she was in the bathroom. It read; "Congratulations! You Knocked me up!" She smiled as I got up and hugged her. "I'm going to be a dad?" I asked as she said yes. "I'm gonna be an Aunt." Mali said dancing in her seat. I was ecstatic. "Mum, Nana or Granny?!?"

Luke- "I think I'm pregnant." Your friend said as you looked at her surprised. You were both sitting on your couch as she brought up the topic out of of the blue. "Really?" "Yes." She replied. "Well did you take a pregnancy test?" You asked her now sitting up. "...No. I'm scared." She replied as you furrowed your eyebrows. "Well lets go get one for you." You said preparing to get up. "I already have one." "You do?" "Well four." She answered. "Well go take it." You said. "You wanna be sure don't you?" "Can you take it with me?" She asked as you raised your eyebrows. "Why?" "Well if you're not pregnant, which I'm sure you're not, I think it'll bring good luck for me." She said. See where this is going? You just thought that she always had the weirdest ideas and theories, but because of the sensitive spot she was in you agreed. You went first. You came back out waiting for the minutes to go by for the results to show that one bar. When the time was finished you both walked to the test. "Funny." You said examining the two bars that showed up. "Doesn't two bars mean you're pregnant?" Your friend asked as you check the box. Yes indeedy, it did. You were in complete denial. You took it again. Same thing. You took it a third time. Same thing. You even had the nerve to take the fourth one, and yes you were indeed pregnant.. You were now, how do they say, flabergasted. "How didn't I know?" You asked placing your head on your hands. "How didn't you know what?" "That I'm pregnant! Were you not here when I just toke like four?" You asked the person who you thought was your friend speaking. "Wait, what?" "WHAT!?!" Michael stated as you turned around to see Luke, Ashton, Michael and Calum had entered the house. You looked at Luke to find his expression dumbfounded. 

"Welp, time for me to go." Your friend said awkwardly as she quickly grabbed her purse and rushed out the door. Ashton, Calum and Michael just stood there shell shocked as you and Luke stared at each other blankly for about two minutes. "Surprise." You said awkwardly and sheepishly. "I'm gonna be a dad?" He asked as you nodded confirming. "I'm going to be a dad." Luke said as his face slowly turned into a huge smile before he ran to you and hugged you.. You hugged back before he planted a kiss. "We're going to be parents."

1 Week Later

After you had found out you were pregnant you and Luke told both of you guys' parents who were delighted. You guys were together for about 5 years, and were married for 1 already so why wouldn't they be? I think we all know what the biggest question is though. Was your friend pregnant? Nope, it was just gas. Well aint that a surprise.

Hey guys, it is currently 3: 30 am right now, so you guys know I love you enough for reading my story to write this. Hope you guys liked it. I'm looking for any co-writers. Just PM me :) Don't forget to share, comment and vote! What preferences do you guys want me to do? Just comment or PM me kay? Kay. Anyway, Love ya!


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