You're broken up part 2 (Calum & Luke)

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Calum's P.O.V

I stared at my phone, waiting for (Y/N)'s response. I wanted her so badly to text me telling me she'll see me again. I wanted her to confess that she still loves me as much as I love her. But after hours, I realize that she wasn't going to respond. 

I toss my phone on the bed and briefly close my eyes. At this point, I could care less if I cried, so I did. Countless tears rolled down my cheeks and my throat got dry to the thought of her kissing some one else. Her boyfriend.

How could I be so stupid? I let the one person who meant the entire world to me slip through my fingers. 

I suck in a sharp breath, drying my tears. I have to see her, if it's the last thing I do. I didn't care how long we were broken up for. I knew that the love I have for her is extremely hard to find. 

I got dressed and ran my fingers through my hair, my heart pounding abnormally.  

Your P.O.V 

"Babe, door!"  You hear your boyfriend call from inside your bedroom. 

"Yeah, I'll get it!" You yelled back placing your laptop on the couch in the living room and trotting towards the door. It was a Saturday morning, so you were dressed in shorts and a big t-shirt expecting to have a nice lazy day. "Hello, Who is it?" You called out.

"(Y/N)..." You heard a familiar voice say from the other side of the door. You stood there, frozen for what seemed to be forever.

"Calum?" You asked,

"...Yeah." He answered.

"...What's up?" You asked.

"(Y/Nickname) Can we talk? "He asked. You contemplated it at first. But you opened the door, stept outside and closed the door behind you. You didn't want your boyfriend to know Calum was here, let alone you were talking with him. You leaned against the door and folded your arms as you looked up to that beautiful face you haven't seen in so long that you...missed.

"So, you look beautiful." He says smiling at you. 

"Thank you. You don't look bad your self." You said smiling slightly at his compliment.

"Thanks. So uh, I just wanted to see you, you know.  How's everything going?"

"Um, fine. Sorry, I would let you in but, Jase wouldn't be the happiest camper, considering, you know, our history." You explained showing that you had respect for your current boyfriend. You really did like Jase, but you never felt the way you feel with Calum with him. Or anyone for that matter.

"That's understandable." He said looking down.

"Well, I gatta get going." He said as he gave you eye contact.  You nobbed your head, looking at your feet. "See you later." He said as he turned to walk away."

"Bye, love you." You said turning around, until you froze realizing what you just said. It wasn't your fault. Whenever you both would leave, you guys always said 'I love you' . You stood there frozen, almost on a brink of tears until you felt two arms rap around your waist from behind. You turned around  and barried your face into his chest as you remember all the great times you had with him.All the love he showed you. The tears you shed over him. 

"I love you too." he said as you sobbed more into his chest as he rested his chin ontop of your head. "And I always will." 

You smiled into his chest before you heard the door open behind you. "What the hell!?!"


After two hours of actually talking, joking and getting along, you were now in your living room.  "Remember when we were walking and you tried to save that cat out of the tree?" He asked. 

"You mean the same cat that tried to rip off my face?" You asked.

"Yip, the same one that tried to tear my balls off." He said as you erupted in laughter remembering the whole thing. He just smiled at you .

"Why did you break up with me?" He asked out of the blue before you chocked on air at the sudden question. His face was now a mix of serious, and confused.

"Uh?" You asked as you looked down at your hand pretending as if you didn't hear the question. He raised his eyebrow at you. 

"You heard me." You sighed. Yes you broke up with him a year ago. "And don't lie."

"I was scared." You stated as you got up and began to walk away. 

"Of what?" Luke asked getting up and walking towards you.

" I just didn't want to get hurt."

"Hurt? Why would I hurt you?"

"Luke. I knew you guys were going to be living your dreams, and become successful; Being surrounded by fans who throw themselves at you; Meeting beautiful celebs and what not. I thought you ...would find somebody better eventually. Someone people will accept. Someone your fans would like." You admitted. You felt your throat knot up, and your eyes become moist.  He hugged you. 

"That's so stupid." He said as he chuckled slightly. "In case you couldn't tell, I love you (Y/N). I would never hurt you. You're the most beautiful girl in the world, with the greatest personality.  There is no one better for me than you." he said as you saw his eyes begin to water. You didn't realize how much you had hurt him when you broke things off. Yet, he still wants to be with you, and he still loves you. And love him.

Hey~ I'm back guys! My laptop is like semi-fixed! Yay....Anyway, I wanted to post this up because the story hasn't been updated in about 5 days. Michael's and Ashton's will be up next. Any requests? Just  comment them, or PM meh. Don't forget to vote, comment and share!! Bye Lovelies~


Oh yeah....Happy Birthday Calum!!!!!! It's tomorrow where I live, but where he is it's today so...HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALUM!!!

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