Christmas Day- Merry Late Christmas!

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Calum- "(Y/N)," Calum yells. "Get up, dammit." He shakes you  for the fifth time then sighs. You groan then turn away from him. "Go away, Cal." "Come on (Y/N)," You can literally hear the pout in his voice. "It's Christmas for God's sake!" Oh sh*t. You had completely forgotten. You quickly sat up then ran to the bathroom to wash up. You gave Cal a quick kiss then sat by the tree with him. You've been with Calum for 1 year and you were still surprised that you lasted so long with him. "What do you think Santa bought me, babe?" He smiles like a little toddler. "What are you, two?" You pick up your gift you got him and hand it to him. "Open it."  His eyes suddenly grew wide. His mind was racing with all the possibilities that could've been placed in that box. He wasn't stupid. He watched Love and Hip Hop. "This isn't a pregnancy test, is it (Your Name)?" You look at him confused. "God, it is! I swear I was extra careful. Your dad is going to f*cking kill me. I -" "Cal?" He looks at you with panic in his eyes. "Before you say something stupid just open the damn thing." He nods, sighing. He tears the Christmas wrapping and shock is evident on his handsome features.  "Holy sh*t!" His mouth drops open. "Is this real? Oh my God (Your Name). Tickets to the Bahamas? I've been wanting to go there since I was 16 (A/N: you guys are 20) Thank you baby." He presses his lips gently against yours. "You're welcome, love." You smiled. It made you extremely happy that the man you loved was very happy.

"Open mine!" He clasps his hands and handed over the present, grinning widely. You smile at his childish behavior then open it. It is no doubt a ring box. You're speechless for a second, then you open it. There's a small ring that says "forever" on it. It's written in cursive with an infinite sign on it. "(Your First, Middle and Last Name), I never believed in love at first sight until the moment I laid eyes on you. You weren't perfect but you were perfect for me." He sighs then makes eye contact with you. Your eyes were already watery. "Everything about you is so unique, so captivating. And you're such an amazing person and friend. You cheer me up when I'm feeling down and you're just plain f*cking amazing." He picks up the ring with his shaky fingers and you try to hold back a sob. "I want you to promise me that we'll be together forever someday, that we'll grow old and have twelve kids, okay?" You start crying joyful tears. "I'll promise you everything except the twelve kids part. I'm black, okay? They're not coming out of my vagina."  "Four." He says as if it's a debate. "We get two and a dog," You say. He laughs and kisses you again while whispering, "Merry Christmas baby, I love you." "Merry Christmas Cally. Love you too." His nose wrinkles when you say his nick name you came up with. "I was so turned on by you buying me that gift, now it's ruined." You put on your best seductive look you could've managed while batting your lashes. "Really?" You ask, knowing he wouldn't give in. "Nope!" He says sealing his lips to yours.

Ashton- You rake through your closet trying to find the perfect dress. You were finally getting to meet Ashton's family after being with him for  four months, you didn't want to screw anything up. Ashton is just sitting on the bed already dressed, scrolling through his phone. Probably on twitter. "Babe, would you help me pick out a dress?" You pick out your top four favorites. "Red, Black, White or Purple?" He sets down his phone. "Babe, you'll look great in either one. But that red strapless one always looks so sexy on you." You smiled like a giddy school girl. "Red it is," After you get ready you collect all of the gifts both you and Ashton bought for his family. And in 20 minutes you guys were finally there. A dancing Santa was in the lawn as you guys approached the door. Before Ashton could knock the door swings open to be greeted by a boy. "Ash!" He yells hugging Ashton. "Hey Harry. Merry Christmas." He smiles at the boy. "You too." He grins cheekily. He finally acknowledge you and smiles shyly. "Is that your girlfriend (Y/N)?"  "She is." "Hello Harry, Merry Christmas." You say smiling to him."Same to you." He blushes. "You're pretty. I like your hair. It's so curly and puffy.""Thank you!" You smile at the boy who looks so much like Ashton. "Hey. She's mines." Harry just rolls his eyes. He leads you guys into the kitchen where everyone is. You see Ashton's mum and his sister who immediately recognizes you.

"Oh my God," His sister Lauren gushes. "How did Ash get a girl like you to date him?" "Lauren, be nice." Their mother scolds her. "Merry Christmas Mrs. Irwin and Lauren. So pleasant to meet you all." "Sweetheart, call me Anne." She smiles sweetly. After dinner you all exchange gifts. You bought Lauren make up, Anne beautiful jewelry and bought Harry a nice watch. They all thank you and give you hugs. You guys engage in a nice conversation and you wonder what you were even worried for. "So sorry we didn't buy gifts, but next year right?" You look over to Ash and smiled. "Of course." he stated. Before you knew it, it was time to leave. While Anne was hugging Ashton you heard her say "I like that one. Very beautiful and quiet. Don't let her go," He makes eye contact with you and flashes you a dimpled smile. "I will never, mum." Best Christmas ever, you thought.

Luke- You've been with Luke for one and a half year and unfortunately he can't make it to Florida for Christmas. Naturally you're sad because who wouldn't miss that cutie? Plus you haven't seen him for six weeks. You get dressed, cook and eat lunch then quickly texted him "Merry Christmas, love. May all your wishes come true. I love you." You wait patiently for a response but after five minutes you don't get one. He is pretty busy, you thought. You sat by the tree trying not to cry. You were alone on Christmas and there was nothing worst than that. A few minutes later your door bell rings. Who's that? You thought. Your mum was working and your sister was on a vacation. You dried your tears then got up and opened the door. You let out a loud scream and tears immediately rolled down your cheeks. 

"Oh my God, Lucas!" You hugged your boyfriend. He smiles so brightly, holding flowers in one hand while wrapping the other around you. "I thought you were in Sydney!" You release him. "I was. But I realized that your were alone and I didn't want that because...I love you," He smiles again. "Surprise and Merry Christmas." He hugs you again. You lead him inside and you take the flowers from him mumbling "thank you." "What about your family?" You ask. "Well, they know how much you mean to me so they insisted I go see you. So I spent my Christmas with them and with you. It's 7:15am there now, I'm jet lagged but don't care." "How sweet, Luke." You try not to cry again. "I swear it's the onions." He laughs then pulls put a box from his back pocket and hands it over. "Open." You open it to see a very beautiful bracelet that has your name and his name on it. "This is so beautiful but I didn't get you anything." You pout. "I've already got all I need. You." You grin. "How cheesy." "you gone make these eggs chessy with this grits or nah?"

 Michael- "Mikey! Would you hurry up? We're gonna miss our flight." "Hold on, let me just pack this." He packs his stuff lion, Daniel in his suitcase. "There. I'm ready."  "Mikey?" You try to hold back a giggle. "What?" "You're not wearing any pants." He blushes. "I knew I was missing something."He slips on his jeans along with some warm sweats. It was snowing out. "I'll carry these downstairs." He picked up both his and your suitcases and head downstairs. You follow him then look around the front room. "Well I'm going to miss New York but Australia here we come!"  When you guys open the door all you can see is white snow all over. "Holy sh*t. It's storming!" Michael says. "Close the door (Y/ N)." 

You close it quickly then pout. "Where the hell did all of that come from?" You said frustrated knowing you guys weren't gonna be able to make it to the airport in this snow storm. "I really wanted to see your family Mikey." "Me too, love." Then he got an idea. It was 6am in New York but it's 10pm in Australia. "We'll FaceTime them." Michael took out his phone then called his mum who answered rather quickly. "Michael!" She says. "Are you coming soon?" "No mum. There's a snow storm here, I'm sorry." "Don't be sweetie." "Hello Mrs. Clifford!" You greet her. "Merry Christmas." "(Y/N) You look lovely. Same to you. Sorry I can't meet you this year." "It's okay. We still have many more to come!" "Of course. Well, we're technically spending Christmas together." You guys share a laugh. Karen gets her husband and you guys FaceTime until they get tired. "It's 12am loves. And I can't say I didnt see you two. Take care." "Merry Christmas." Daryl, Michael father says again.You say farewells then Michael hangs up. "That was awkwardly amazing." You say smiling. "Merry Christmas, baby. Sorry it didn't go as planned." "I don't care about how I got to spend my Christmas, Mikey." You embrace him. "Because all I want for Christmas is," You take in a deep breath before horribly singing "Youuu." Michael covers his ear. "Stop! My ears are bleeding!" You look at him with your best angry face. "Okay Michael." You release him. He knew he was in deep sh*t because you said "Michael" rather than "Mikey." "Babe, I'm sorry." "You're so gullible." You tip toe then kiss him while mumbling "Merry Christmas" against his chapped lips.

Hope you guys liked it as much as I did. Writing credit goes to ~ (_valeriexo) Any ideas no matter how crazy, or weird PM okay. Merry Late Christmas guys~ Muah


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