You Both go dancing (Formal)

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Hola- This was a little long, and I dont think I would be able to write one for each in a short period of time so this can be the 5sos guy of your choice~ YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ok

You both were walking in this very nice plaza in New York while you guys were visiting. "Oh my gosh that brings back memories." You said  looking at the glass that stated "Ballet Classes".  "You use to do ballet?" "Yeah." "No~ Really?" He asked in disbelief. "uh, Yeah." You stated rolling your eyes. "mmhm. " "What, you don't believe me?" He said nothing. "It's just, I can't picture you doing that."  "Oh okay." 

"Get up baby!" You said jumping up and down on you guys' bed. " Why? Where're we going?" He said sleepily. "Well~ I got us signed for private ballet classes today!" You said jumping off the bed and going to the bathroom. "Really?" "Yip. So let's go." So you guys walked to the ballet class and hewas really up for it. I mean, he always had an opened mind.  (And You always wanted to see him in tights hehehe) So you guys were taught (well he was taught) 1st position to 5th position; how to demi plie: and for your last lesson, the waltz.

"Okay.So these are the steps." Your ballet teacher, Gail, stated while showing you the movements. You both did it individually. It was second nature to you, but surprisingly, he caught on quicker than you expected. "Okay now grab your partners hands and back and position them like this," Gail said demonstrating as we obeyed, "And (Y/N) sense you're the female, you will do the opposite and start by stepping backwards okay?" "Gatch ya." You answered. She then started the music as you began to waltz."Ow." You immediately stated when (5sos dude) accidentally stepped on your foot. "Sorry Babe." He apologized .  You then winced as he accidentally did it again. "Sorry." "That's alright, hun." You said. You thought he would be so awesome at it seeing as he was doing it correctly, but obviously not because your feet were being assaulted. "Oh crap, owww." You said laughing in pain. "Sorry babe."

Through out this whole process he wanted to stop seeing you in pain at first, but you pretended not to mind. Even though your feet were stepped on constantly, you were just happy dancing with him, and yes he did promise to rub your feet that night.

 Hola guys~ Havent update in a while, so I wrote this.  I hope you guys liked it. For you girl who didn't do ballet when you were younger, I do apologize for having you lie in the imagine (lol) I did ballet from 3 to 10 (Yes seven years) If you did ballet dancing, how long did you do it for and did you like it?

MOCKS ARE OVER!!!!!! And......ITS EASTER BREAK!!! YA$$$$ bitch YA$$$$. Loll, 

Anyway, will be updating regularly now (Until our external exams actually start) . Don't forget to comment, share and vote guys!!n Bye Lovelies~


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