His Eyes

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MARCH 4, 2009

On the fourth day of the surgery, Teacher Lin's consciousness was fully awake. Early in the morning, a group of doctors came to do the rounds.

Director A: "How do you feel today?"

Me: "Besides the flatulence that gave him a litte pain, the others are good."

The Director examined the abdomen and the incision wound, "Flatulence is normal. After the gas come out, he can drink water." My mother and I laughed together. "Recovery is good, both of you really worked hard."

Hearing this sentence, the slim and tall doctor, who was lowering his head to write on the patient record beside that director, raised his head and smiled at me.

I didn't know how to describe those eyes. It was clear, bright and gentle. It reminded me of a poem I saw a long time ago, "She walks between the beautiful light and shadow, like a cloudless night sky, the stars twinkling ." There was an empty and tranquil world in it, which makes people wish to fall in.

I lost my mind for a split second and glanced at the badge on his chest - Gu Wei, a professional Doctor. Teacher Lin's in charge doctor.

I had never believed in the so-called love at first sight, and I also thought I have resistance to good looking men. Still, I couldn't help but sigh, and those eyes were very outrageous.

MARCH 5, 2009   

On the fifth day after the surgery, after finishing the breakfast, my mother came to switch with me so I could take some rest. I took an apple and a fruit knife and went out of the ward, leaned on the corridor railing and started to peel apple slowly.

Compared with eating the fruit, I enjoyed peeling with the knife more. Continuously adjusting the angle of the cutting edge. It was an excellent way to calm down my emotions when I watched the thin peel slowing forming into a complete circle.

 In the middle of my activity, it was such a blessing when I raised my head quickly. Doctor Gu was five meters away from me, walking towards me. With his slim shoulder, he walked silently without a sound; like a cat.

I grabbed my wrist and quickly tried to finish the work in my hand, but in a hurry, the long peel was broken...Only God knew what kind of dull expression was my face in. He stopped in front of me, and his eyes wandered between me and the apple skin on the ground, his mouth puckering with a polite smile: "Peeling the apple, huh." Doctor, you were very courteous.

Once again, I flashed back to his beautiful eyes. My head was hot, and I handed the apple in my hand to him. "Do you want to eat an apple?" >_<

The other party laughed : "No, thank you. I'm doing my rounds."

  When his white coat disappeared at the next ward door, I found out that the apple in my hand wasn't completely peeled yet.

At 9:30 in the morning, someone pushed the ward door open, a man with a green surgical suit and tightly covered with hat and mask came in. I held my forehead and thought, at such a distance, I could quickly identify a man with whom I only had contact for less than two days; only from his back and footsteps, even the sixth sense was incomparable. What did that mean? Edward VIII said, "I'm going to hell."

Doctor Gu saw that Teacher Lin was sleeping, so he walked towards my side and passed a folder to me while whispering, "There are some adjustments in your father's infusion today. Take a look."

The name of the drugs were mentioned clearly on the treatment plan, and I lowered my head to study it, signed it and looked up. The Doctor was looking down at my signature, his whole face only showed his pair of eyes, and I unpreparedly fell into it - it was a feeling that seemed like my brain suddenly emptied as if I had fallen into vast suspended bubble.

His eyes blinked twice. I quickly regained my consciousness and said "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He took the folder away and left. After he walked two steps, he turned around: "You can have a little rest while he's asleep."

After Doctor Gu left, I looked at Teacher Lin asleep in distress. Would people think that I'm not restrained?

MARCH 6, 2009

On the sixth day after surgery, Teacher Lin already began to drink rice soup. After enduring the most painful days, his spirit was okay now.

When  Doctor Gu came to the ward, I was sitting at the end of the bed and gave a Zusanli massage to Teacher Lin.

{Zusanli Massage: Massaging the Zusanli points on the knee helps people in improving who are experiencing digestive system problems.}

 Doctor Gu: "How about the supplementary food today? Dou you feel any Gastrointestinal discomfort?" 

Teacher Lin: "Bloating."

Doctor Gu: "This is normal. If there's no vomiting, nausea and other conditions, you can add the amount of rice soup tomorrow. Don't make it too dense and also don't overeat at once, increase spread out over time."

He was less than 30 centimeters away from me. When I felt conflicted, expecting him to leave quickly or stay longer, my back and neck were warming up. The Doctor smiled all the time and looked at Teacher Lin. "Let me ask, don't you usually do housework at home at ordinary times?"

My mother and I subconsciously made a serious "Hmm" sound.

Teacher Lin's face could not hang any lower. He repeatedly said, "I do them. I do them."

Mother: "Occasionally do the cooking."

Doctor's smile enlarged, it revealed his white teeth: "Does your wife washed and cut the vegetables, and you're only in charge of stir-fry on pan?"

I worshipped him. You only operated on him once, and you could find out just by coming to our ward, not even more than five minutes each day on an average. However, my brain shouted out a brave sentence: "So now all the medical majors have a criminal investigation and deductive reasoning courses ....."

After I finished the sentences, the Doctor smiled, and so did my mother. I looked back at him awkwardly. The arc of his chin was beautiful, and his skin was good.

The Doctor said goodbye and left. After a while...

 Mother: "What are you giggling about?"

Me: "Ah? A...aiya, even the doctor can see that we have spoiled Teacher Lin so much, hahaha!"

Special Dialog:

Doctor: I think you spoiled him too much. One day, after I had four operations and sat in the office to check my patient's information; I felt tired. I thought, if there is someone who spoils me like that, it would be great.

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