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APRIL 10, 2009

Teacher Lin suddenly began to react to the chemotherapy last night, and it stopped today, so he rested sensibly in bed, half-squinting his eyes and squeezing my fingers then back to Zhou Gong's hand.

(Zhou Gong is the God of Dream, in this sentence, it means he went back to sleep.)

In the afternoon, his energy recovered. He returned to his usual manner, folded his arms, and went to the bathroom door, reached out and poked the metal doorknob. He poked it again, and then turned his head to me with an innocent face, "Lin Zhixiao, I have to go to the bathroom." I went over to open the door for him.

My mother told me that my father couldn't touch the cool things even when he wore gloves.

Just as he blinked his eyes and said to me, "The spoon is stainless steel" and I said, "Open your mouth, ah —" Feeding him dragon fruits and cursing silently while looking at my father who acts cutely like didn't care about his age, Doctor Gu pushed the door and came in,

He stood by the bed and looked silently at him for two seconds, "Teacher Lin, you are already 51 this year." Teacher Lin nodded calmly.

The Doctor straightened his glasses, "The first IV has been hung up and totally injected, body tolerance is good. If the blood test result is good, you can go home." Then he looked at me and went out.

I got up and sent him away. As soon as I got out of the ward, the Doctor suddenly turned around and said, "Don't treat him like a patient, treat him like a normal person."

I looked at the Doctor, who rarely had mood swings in front of me, and said, "Oh."

The Doctor held his forehead, and his eyes fell on the dragon fruit and spoon in my hand, "At the very least, he can eat by himself."


"Buy a melamine spoon for him." He turned around and left.

I looked at the stainless steel spoon in my hand and said, "Oh" slowly.


APRIL 15, 2009

I went back to the school and began to get very busy with my thesis defense. During this period, I often went home to see Teacher Lin, and my life was quite fulfilling.

The notebook had been lying quietly in my bag, I occasionally took it out and flipped it over, looking at the different handwriting from two people leaning against each other, reminding me of the well-defined calligraphy of spring.


MAY 5, 2009

If the first chemotherapy is going well, consider the second one as a disaster.

Yesterday, I settled everything in the ward. I waited a long time for, mother, but she hadn't reached the hospital yet.

I called her, and heard a waxy voice, "I'm not feeling well."

She indeed felt unwell, her temperature was 38.6 degrees. She worked at the sub-health community office, and her emotion had been in high tension since February because of Teacher Lin's sickness. Few days ago, she also went through a series of business trips.

I touched her forehead, "Go to sleep. I will take care of Dad."

Teacher Lin didn't hold on for a long time, and he reacted as soon as the medicine went down.

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