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At four o'clock in the afternoon, the last bottle of fluid hung down, and all the chemotherapy sessions for Teacher Lin finally ended,

The head nurse took a picture of our family, in which three people smiled foolishly. I flipped through the photos in the camera one by one, suddenly found out that it has been more than half a year, we finally got through everything together this time.

Mother touched Teacher Lin's face: "Since you didn't die, it should be our blessing."



When Doctor Gu came to sign the discharge notice, my mother went to check out the room, Teacher Lin went to get the medicine and left me alone to pack the luggage in the ward.

 He looked at me quietly with hands on his back. Suddenly he looked down and smiled. "I heard from the head nurse. Your grandmother also had surgery here?"

"Yes, I was in the third year of junior high school. My grandma went through treatment for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma."

"What year?"


"Ah...." He was silent for a while. "I'm so much older than you."

I stunned on my position, my heart jumped faster, "Hmm?"

The doctor returned his formal smile. "I will be on night duty every Friday. If there's any problem, you can call my duty number. Remember to make an appointment for check up, next year in March." he turned away and left.

Before we left the hospital, Sansan made a phone call. Ten minutes later, she appeared in the ward with big and small bags, and shouted sweetly to Teacher Lin, "Father!"

I looked at the girl in front of me who could talk so elegantly, even about dried sea cucumbers. It was a kind of impulse to shake her and ask whether she was a deity. However, very soon —

"That person is Doctor Gu, right? Sansan asked me with a shallow voice beside my ear. I knew it!

"Not bad, he passed my test."

Who needed you approval >_<?!!!

Sansan grabbed my arm and gnashed her teeth, "Lin Zhixiao! This chemotherapy will be last!"

"I know....." I knew this was the last time, and I knew I wouldn't come here for a long time, I also knew my intersection with him was over. I felt bad enough, so — "Xiao San, get your claws of me!" Please stop adding salt to my wound.


SEPTEMBER 10, 2009

Xiao Cao said, "There's no special feeling when we once become a new student for the second time."

Besides the fact that the students in charge of the welcoming shouted "Junior" and "Senior" for a moment, the other things were relatively smooth. But it was not long before some seniors abducted them into orchestra team. They arrived in the name of 'friendship', suddenly turned into a 'power from all sides.' They were really capitalist deities.

Fortunately, there was a lovely Sichuan girl with a variety of strange food to challenge my taste buds. Xiao Cao's mother often sent over a large box of food for us.

Initially, Pork Strips Stir-fried with Yuxiang Style seasoning was considered to surpass my spice limit. In one week, I sweated without tears to finish that food.

Sansan ever visited me, "Not bad. I thought this old campus was already in ruins."

Xiao Cao replied solemnly. "I can't live here if this building is identified as a dangerous building." Xiao Cao's father worked in the housing appraisal agency.

Sansan looked straight at Xiao Cao. "This girl is good. Cherish her."

Me , "......"

When Sansan was leaving, she suddenly grabbed me and said, "What about Doctor Gu?"

"Why do you care about him more than I do?"


SEPTEMBER 18, 2009

Maybe it was because Sansan said, "Lin Zhixiao, touch your heart and think about it!" I realized that this obsession was too deep.

In the middle of a video call with Teacher Lin that day, my mother suddenly spoke up and said, "I just hung up a call from the hospital."

I subconsciously asked, "Who answered it?"

"Doctor Gu. He thought you were still at home, and I said your school has already started."

"Ah?" The phone conversation's content surprised me. "You were talking about me?"

"We often talk about you. Just like when we came back last time, we talked for a long time."

After saying that, the original conversation was repeated [How old is Lin Zhixaio?] [23 years old] [Already have a boyfriend] [Not telling us yet] [Teacher Lin must be very clingy to her] [Yes, but it will be hard to meet her for another three years] [Oh? So in the future, you plan to settle her down in Y City?] [It's her father's plan, but he would let her make her own decision]

I felt my heart beat a little faster an asked, "Often?"

"Just similar to small talk. These kinds of questions, even head nurses and other patients often ask us about."

After I hung up the video call, I sat in front of the computer in a daze, and I could hear the blood thumping through my eardrum.

I thought it was all over when he said, "I am six years older than you, "with no expression on his face. Suddenly I felt annoyed with his calmness.

I climbed onto bed and buried my head in the quilt.

Xiao Cao, who laid on the bed next to me, poked her head out and said, "What's the matter?"

I raised my head and asked seriously, "What would you do if you couldn't figure out what another person is thinking?"

Xiao Cao suddenly came out with a line, "Have you figured out your own way of thinking?"

"Forget.... it"

"If the situation is special particularly, then simply tell the truth."


Special Dialog:

Doctor: You put on an solemn expression all the times as I was a bomb that was going to explode at any time.

(I'm not...)

Doctor: I could see your whole body was stiff.

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