Peach blossoms

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Since his parents' approval, Gu Wei's whole life has been much easier.

"Doctor. are your steps getting heavier?"

"Ah, mental stress can make people gain weight."

What is all this?

On the third day of the holiday, I was called to the wedding shop by Yin Shi. When Gu Wei and I were introduced into the fitting room, Jin Shi's suit was crisp, Yin Shi was dressed in white, and the couple was looking affectionately at each other in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror in a standard romantic novel state.

"Ahem, ahem, are we early or late?" Anyway, looks like it wasn't the right time.

Yun Shi came up and said, "this is to familiarize with the process in advance, so as not to be in a hurry when you get married." Twirling, she spoke again, "how about this one?"

I nodded sincerely: "Beautiful. Jin Shi, you should be careful of people trying to rob the bride."

Yin Shi smiled charmingly and picked up a small dress and handed it over: "Dear bridesmaid, you should also try on your clothes."

I looked at the small pink wedding dress in front of me and said, "uh— can I be the best man?"

Jin Shi: "But, the best man has to drink a lot."

... I resigned into the changing room.

As soon as I took off my denim skirt, Yin Shi came in with a skirt.

"Hey, you ..."

"What's going on with Xiao San?"

San San spent 99 yuan to burn marriage incense during the Spring Festival. Facts have proved that Buddha didn't forget her. As a result, San San's peach blossoms flooded. In her words, on the shelf for more than 20 years has been in full swing for the past year...
(peach blossom = a metaphor for spring life.)

Yin Shi: "so she's in a daze now?"

I tried to simplify the question: "a rich, tall and handsome guy has a crush on her. Comrade Xiao San would rather die than surrender."

"No love?"

"She, she felt, had to— she didn't like it."

"Gee, how can the girl be so hypocritical? She called me several times after 11 o'clock at night. Jin Shi answered, there was nothing at that end but the sound of breathing. It really affected our daily life."

"I'm used to it....."

Yin Shi sighed, "I'll give her some ideas later" and went out.

The bridesmaid dress was short in front and long at the back, which made me shy, and I went out: "Yin Shi—"

At that time, Gu Wei was sitting on the sofa chatting with Jin Shi. Seeing me go out, he stepped moving, and his eyes narrowed slowly.

That bad look.

I felt that I was nailed to the spot and could not move. I bit my lip and stared back, thinking to myself, 'hold back a little in public.'

"What do you think?  Does it look good?" Yin Shi came over and said, "Doctor?"

Gu Wei regained the faint smile on his face, nodded, and did not speak, but did not look away.

Hiss— this guy!

I looked around and said, "Where is San San?"

Jin Shi: "She just got a phone call and said that she had to go back in advance. It seems to be a colleague."

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