Remain Calm

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Because of the spread of the H1N1 epidemic influenza, most schools canceled this year's freshman military training which has led to some loose and idle kids to wander around aimlessly, just like Du Wenjun.

Our school was neither too close nor too near, using his words: "Just get some sleep on the subway, after that, I'm totally sober to experience myself with graduate school ambiance.

After taking him around the school, Xiao Du wasn't calm, "There's no academic ambiance at all!"

I had a black line on my head, from my dormitory building to the teaching building, what kind of academic ambiance that you expected?

"If you want to feel the academic ambiance, it's better for you to stay at the Doctor's office and hear them having some discussion."

"Listen to a group of people discussing about how to cut people's stomachs open?" Xiao Du shook his head, "Absolutely not!"

After that, I received some text messages from him frequently, asking me 'whether it's better to choose volleyball club or taekwondo club?" "CET-4 will be reviewed in this semester or next semester?" "Gu Sha technique should be scrape twice or thrice?" I felt curious, why he didn't asked the Doctor? He should have a closer relationship with the Doctor.

(Gua Sha technique is a natural, alternative therapy (as TCM) that involves scraping your skin with a massage tool to improve your circulation. This is ancient Chinese healing technique that offer a unique approach in improving health conditions, addressing issues like chronic pain.)

"Ah, even the Doctor keeps smiling all day, but he—"

"Never revealing his emotions?"

"Yes! So better not to provoke him."

-_- .......

Gu Wei was very quiet and never revealed his feeling to anyone. He was so quiet that we never did any so-called "100 things all couple must do." I have no pressure to form a feeling that 'we have been together for a long time.' The couples who had just been together usually unfamiliar with each other, for us— there was no break-in period.

His rhythm was perfect, although our meeting intensity was low, we came step by step. In these days, our relationship has progressed a lot. When the eleventh day of the Chinese National Holiday was about to end, I hugged his arm, and only then I realized how much I missed him.

After the National Holiday, one doctor in Gu Wei's group asked for his help in delivering a patient's baby. He coupled with the cold weather and concentrated on the surgery. Started from there, Doctor GU became very busy. It was impossible to talk over the phone. Like other couples, the text message interaction like 'I miss you;, 'Good girl, I miss you too,' was floating away quickly. It was more often for it to be like—

"What are you doing?"

Three hours later.....

"Just finished the surgery."

"........ =_=" I think I won't send a similar text message ever again.

One day in November, I  received Gu Wei's call, "I'm at your school, where are you?" I was buried in the complex max, turned my head, and asked Xiao Cao, "Honey, what day is today?"

Xiao Cao shook her head. 

"Saturday." Gu Wei answered without hesitation, and I blushed quickly.

Xiao Cao followed me. For several reasons, she didn't meet Gu Wei yet, and her curiosity had been signaled out extremely high. After she saw that person, Xiao Cao's expression was very subtle, "Do all Doctors look like him these days?" Her concept of a Doctor was still at the age of six when she got an injection shot, so she was receptive with such a gentle young man in front of her.

"No, I deliberately found a special one."

"Oh." Xiao Cao nodded, "Doctor, what should we eat in this kind of weather?"

Doctor, "You can eat whatever you want."

I helplessly took lead into a hotpot restaurant. (I don't even know what I was thinking back then)

An hour later, our tears welled up.

Sichuan girl treating chili sauce as a side dish...

Gu Wei took off his glasses, his pair of eyes were wet and bright; he used his moist hand to sweep away the sweat on my forehead.

Xiao Cao: "I thought I would be a light bulb, but in the end, I'm the one who sparks."

(Light bulb means an unwanted third guest on the date)

After the meal Gu Wei thought 'enough to stimulate the brain but not good for the stomach,' Xiao Cao decided to go back to school. The sun was very warm, three people had a chat and walked together. When we passed through the small auditorium, I met several male classmates from the same department. We said hello and continued to move forward. Xiao Cao sighed at the side : "XXX was losing unjustly, this is a injustice."

I Didn't understand, but Gu Wei had already grinned and smiled. Later, in the dormitory, Xiao Cao looked at me: "A-Xiao, don't you see that XXX stared like a walnut when he saw your Doctor?"


"Well, it hurts. It hurts too much."

Then, as vague as it seems, I started to understand something.

No wonder Gu Wei smiled so quietly when he left!

"But, your Doctor has a great temperament." Xiao Cao nodded continuously, "If I were him, I would kill them."

Throughout December, the big event that will be held in our University was the New Year Concert. it was not convenient to make a call in the dormitory, and I often called the Doctor on my way back from rehearsal.


"How was it?"

"I'm not feeling cold, but you are."

"Ah, Doctor— "

Even though we had several kinds of interaction, but that time was still the sweetest thing in my memory.

Thick scarf prevented the night wind, and I attached the phone next to my ear, two people chatted lightly and casually. Whatever, there was a kind of pure happiness in my heart, as if I was standing right next to him.


Special Dialog:

Doctor: (Laugh but doesn't speak)


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