Throw a Quince Flower

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In a Geology major, the girls have always been the boss, and the boys were the workers. In Xiao Cao's words: Research 2 lives like like a dog, while Research 3 is worse than pigs or dogs. End projects, learning theories, opening questions, ending experiments, signing contracts, one by one. I watched with horror while Xiao Cao's weight went down 90, 88, 87, 85, 82... When I saw that he was was about to fall below 80, my presumption was finally settles, Amitabha Buddha...

The Doctor and I seem to have been maintaining a state of 'one working- one not'. When one person is busy, the other person is relatively relaxed. It was gloomy on my side, so the Doctor upgraded to a legendary filial boyfriend and started visiting the life of running to school 3 times a week.

Xiao Cao said wistfully: "Right now, all the girls who have no object of affection are discriminated against..."

I touched her face: "Don't worry, there's an understanding friend."

Xiao Cao took my hand off: "Go find your understanding friend."


I pushed open the shop door and watched two ladies go to the Doctor at the corner and pointed to the empty position at the corner of the corridor and pointed to the empty position opposite him, presumably to ask if they could split tables (this kind of Chinese fast food restaurant is more common in peak dining hours.)

The Doctor turned his back to them and I did not know what he said. The two ladies walked towards an empty table not far away.

The Doctor pulled out his cell phone and was about to make a phone call when I walked behind him and lowered my voice: "Hi, sir, are you alone? Is is convenient to split tables?"

The Doctor suddenly turned back and gave me a look: "Sorry my wife will be here soon."

I pinched his earlobe and sat opposite to him: "Brother, you're very marketable~"

Doctor: "I'm flattered."

Can you not be so calm!?

When we got up after the meal, the two ladies' eyes stared back and forth between us. the Doctor was in such a good mood that he pulled me: "Let's pick up the child." (It's Chen Cong, nephew, we were to take acre of him for 2 hours.)

I was so speechless I could only look up to heaven. Ai just like an old couple...


In the afternoon, after picking up Chen Cong, I went to the kitchen to clean up the little guy's leftover fruit bowl and heard the phone ring.

The Doctor came up with a straight face and handed over my cell phone. "Shao Jiang."

Last time we met each other, I left my number, but I really couldn't think of any reason he would call. I dried my hands and picked it up.

After an innocuous opening remark, he asked about L's wedding next month. L is my senior for two terms during my undergraduate years. Although I am in the same college, I have basically had only communicated a bit, slightly better than a nodding acquaintance. The news of her marriage was also mentioned by someone in the classmate circle not long ago. Shao Jiang's question puzzled me somewhat; "She didn't send me an invitation."

"I am one of the best men."

"Oh..." Should I say congratulations?

"Well, in fact, we are short one bridesmaid."

"Oh..." Why is it so popular to get married now? A group of groomsmen and bridesmaids make it like a group wedding...

Shao laughed at the other end: "Can you help me out?"

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