Days Ahead

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On the same day, I returned to the apartment after lunch. On a whim, I wanted silver-ear mushroom soup and went into the kitchen to boil it. As soon as the soup was poured from the pressure cooker into the soup pot, the Doctor had unpacked all his luggage and started the washing machine when the man came over.

I slowly stirred the crystal sugar: "Try it, see if it's sweet enough." I scooped a little and fed it to him.

Then, we look at each other.

I blinked: "Your ears are red."

The Doctor: "We shouldn't have gotten engaged the day before I went abroad."

"Yes, I was drunk..."

"We should have gotten married before I left."

Then, I tasted the taste of the silver ear mushroom soup. It's sweet.


As soon as the two of us got on the sofa, my phone rang, and Xiao Cao's voice sounded helpless: "A-Xiao, the defense program has been adjusted again. Would you like to ask the old man?"

I helplessly pulled the Doctor's hand out of the hem of my clothes. Alas, this is fate...

On the way back to the school, the Doctor's expression was subtle.

It was only then that it came to me, did he prepare something... or that? His face was flushed.

"What are you blushing about?"

I looked at him with a calm face and suddenly felt that my thoughts were too trivial. The Doctor was only a little unhappy because he hadn't seen me for a long time and the time together was interrupted. I bowed my head in shame.

He put his hand on my face and picked up the corners of his mouth: "It's a bit of a pity, but there's still a lot of time."

I really can't think of you as being so kind! >_<

Only then did I realize the meaning of 'a bit of a pity.'


When I was at school, I corrected my papers, typed in applications, and handed in data. and had to deal with spot checks on papers and panic

Xiao Cao rushed back to the dormitory with a pile of papers between his arms: "Ah Xiao, I took a good one from Zhang Gang and found a word misspelled! I've been through it six times!! It's just a report!!!"

"Well-" I tried to comfort, "then we won't lack draft paper."


The Doctor was in the hospital, busy with reports, large and small, sorting out manuscripts, handing over cases, and being on duty at night, just in time for inspection.

I met Zhang Wei in the canteen at noon.

"Aren't you supposed to be at home with a pregnant woman?"

"I wish I could. I haven't finished the documents in hand, and surgery has been scheduled again. How long has it been since you last saw your Sister Lin?"

"I guess I'm taking my wedding leave now, but no one can approve it."

So, it would be almost a week before the two could meet again. We had dinner together, went to the apartment, and took a shower; no one said anything. I fell into bed and didn't wake up until just over nine the next day.

"Alas, the wife sleeps comfortably in her bed." The doctor buried his head in my neck and sighed. "It's better to see you in a good mood when you wake up in the morning,"

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