Fight Head to Head

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All night long, Gu Wei held my wrist and rushed back to the apartment without asking my opinion.

On the bus, San San text messages me: [Has the dust settled yet?]

I looked at Gu Wei with his eyes closed. His expression was loose and peaceful. If it weren't for leaning on his seat, it would be just like sitting in meditation.

Then I answered: [Yeah.]


I was about to leave the office one day.

"Sister-in-law!" Chen Cong stopped me, "sometimes there are some things that those involved are unclear of, and onlookers could clearly see."

"I'm quite clear. But it's useless for me to be only one." I felt forced to see the drama, is also very painful.

After being together for such a long time, I know Gu Wei is not the type to cheat on women. However, his willingness to secretly allow Gao Xi to do it, is not something I like. Either out of habit or out of old friendship. Only he can solve these problems. So, I decided to leave the chaos temporarily, out of sight and out of mind. As for Gu Wei, I believe he knows what he is doing, depending on how well he handles it.


Turning back to my thoughts, I poked Gu Wei's eyelashes: "Really sleepy?"

Gu Wei snorted in a low voice.

"Before the Chinese New Year, the first draft of the paper will come out, and the project will keep me busy."

Gu Wei opened his eyes: "Do I have to be alone again?"

I hurriedly yield to him: "You have been there before, you know."

Gu Wei was angry: "You are really too relaxed about it!"

Tonight's doctor, the mood fluctuation is quite big. In the end this fellow really knows how to get benefits >_<

"What about me? Huh? You just walked away!"

This even with interest, it can't be collected in a day.

The tip of my nose brushed his hot collarbone, and my entire brain was almost burning into a paste. After a long while, I said. "Doctor, only when the water runs thin can the truth be found."
(Only when the water runs thin/ xishui- changliu [细水长流]  = do something gradually but preservingly.)

The next morning, the Doctor was very calm: "What are you blushing for?"

I hit the pillow in grief and indignation: "Don't behave like a hoodlum!"

He went to work, I went to school and was grabbed by San San on the way.

Through a cup of steaming citron tea, San San looked at me straight and made me very annoyed.

"I'm not a ghost, why are you looking at me like that?"

"I called you at 6 o'clock in the morning, you didn't answer."

"....." Normal people don't pick up, ok! The skill of sugar-coated shell must be too deep. San San biological clock us badly out of order.

"San San, Master Abbot said that you would have a romantic encounter this year."

San San waved: "I am a 'party member' and do not believe in Buddhism.

"....." I sighed, "what do you want me to say?"

"I need you to give me some positive energy to show me what normal love looks like!"

"Ha-ha." Two quick and dry laughs, the Doctor and I should also be in the mainstream couples group....

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