Let Bygones be Bygones

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If Gu Wei's reaction pains me, Grandpa's reaction made me sad. Sitting in a chair, quietly looking at the body, eating, sleeping, in a trance, with the unique vicissitudes and stability of an old man.

The men who took care of a family, wouldn't show their grief, it wasn't abnormal. No tears, no thoughts, treat people appropriately, send them back and forth politely. But they silence themselves into a hollow piece of wood, neither cold nor cool, but it clearly shows that a piece is missing in their heart.

After the funeral, Grandpa took out a box: "Grandma picked this out."

The Doctor's father nodded to us slightly, and Gu Wei took it: "Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma."

In the box was a pair of sheep fat jade pendants and a small engraving — Good son, good daughter-in-law.


I don't know if it was the impact of Grandma's death, but Comrade Gu Xiao returned to his nest. The two days after my reply coincided with his return to X City, and Gu Wei went to pick him up at the airport. When I got back to Gu Wei's apartment after a lot of schoolwork, as soon as I opened the door and smelled the alcohol, I saw a 'big' man slumped on the bed and dialed the phone with a headache: "Doctor, what on earth is going on in your bed?"

To put it simply, Comrade Gu Xiao was lovelorn again, and his broken heart finally lamented that a good girl was still in the motherland, so he came back. After spending the night in a bar, he was carried back to the apartment by Gu Wei at noon yesterday. Gu Wei was on duty that night, so the person was left unattended and continued to drink.

Looking at the unrecognizable apartment, I really wanted to yell: "What kind of habit have you developed after floating abroad for several years?!"

When the Doctor returned from his shift, I had just cleared out the sofa and asked him to open the window for ventilation. I went out to go shopping at a nearby convenience store.

While I was holding a bunch of things, my cell phone shook wildly, and I freed up one hand to pick it up laboriously —

"What old woman?!" My earth-shaking shout. I almost dropped the things in my arms.

"They're coming over. They'll be there in half an hour at most."

"Auntie— Gu Xiao's mom?!"

"Yeah, my mother told her he was here, and my aunt came over as soon as she heard her words. My mother is chasing behind now."

"Jesus!" Aunt Xiao is so angry that Gu Xiao would be torn to pieces when she sees that mess. I quickly piled a pile of things on the cashier. "The first wake up Gu Xiao, take a shower, brush his teeth, hang the quilt out, throw the sheets into the washing machine, and I'll be right back."


No sooner had we barely finished cleaning the battlefield than the person arrived.

Mrs. Xiao: "When did you get to Gu Wei's?"

Gu Wei: "The day before yesterday."

Gu Wei: "Yesterday."

I twisted my face, do you want to reveal the truth so soon...

For half an hour, in the face of Mrs. Xiao's questioning, Gu Xiao did not respond, quite a bit of hooliganism.

Mrs. Xiao got up and said, "Come home with me."

"I'll live with my brother." Gu Xia was adamant and refused to go.

Finally, the Doctor, and his mother, muddled together before they persuaded Mrs. Xiao to go back.

When Gu Wei sent her back, Gu Xiao raised his chin to me and said, "Why hasn't she left yet?"

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