Tour in S-city

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the next day, I woke up at six and stared at my room's ceiling.

From the window curtains, the morning sun enlightened into my room. Hearing Xiao Cao's regular breathing by my side, I was hypnotized and went back to sleep until my cellphone vibrated. I grabbed it, looked at the screen and the whole last night reappeared in my memory.


"...." (my brain was still buffering)

"Lin Zhixiao!"


".... Who am I ?"

"..... Doctor."

"I could even feel his helpless expression through the phone, "I finished my work."

"I'm — in the dorm, on the bed. I woke up very early, just haven't got up from bed yet...."

"I can hear it."

From this phone call, I could hear the traffic and street flow, his footsteps to reach the subway station, and the sound of the swiped up subway card. My consciousness began to recover, and my heart started to get excited  and called out softly, "Gu Wei."


"What's on your wrist?"

"A bunch of beads. Are you afraid that I will run away?"

"Aiya, just in case there's a millennium fox demon.." I blinked several times.

A laughing sound passed through. "Do you think we can block it just by wearing a Buddha bracelet?"

(The Heart Sūtra [Sanskrit: प्रज्ञापारमिताहृदय Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya or Chinese: 心經 Xīnjīng,  is a popular sutra in Mahāyāna Buddhism. In Sanskrit, the title Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya translates as "The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom".)


The phone was silent, "What's your plan for today?"



"Oh, there's a welcoming party for the new students tonight."

"...." I heard his voice from the middle of the crowd, "The subway is coming, I will arrive at your school in 45 minutes."

He hung up the phone, left me who was like an electrocuted eel on the bed. I immediately got up from the bed.

Today was our first day as a couple. A male lead who was left speechless and a female lead who was overly panicked....

I quickly washed up and changed my clothes, ran to the school gate. When I reached there, the Doctor had arrived.

The moment I saw him, my heart suddenly quivered with excitement. He stood on the sideway with his straight body, bowed down his head and turned over his cellphone. His facial features were bright, his expressions were calm, as this was just another ordinary weekend for us.

He seemed to look at something, smiled and looked up. He slowly walked to my direction, just like what he did to me every morning in the hospital.

This person, even when he wasn't wearing a white robe, could bring up a Doctor's aura, so I subconsciously nodded and said, "Good morning, Doctor Gu."


An awkward silence...

"When is the welcoming party?"

"3 p.m."

He handed over his phone.

[Brother-in-law, give me my sister's cellphone number.]

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