A Year after Surgery

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Gu  Wei had only bed in his apartment. So, I felt very nervous that I couldn't bring myself to mention it. 

I was laying on the bed stiffly, every piece of clothing in my body, except underwear, was Gu Wei's. All of this made me feel flustered.

I closed my eyes while having a thought, "How did I finally got to this stage?" Gu Wei finished the shower and came out from the bathroom. 

I decided to keep my eyes closed. 

I listened to him rubbing his hair, drinking a glass of water, turning off the computer, charging his cellphone, and then turning off the lights.

 The soft hair on my body, which had been loosened a bit, suddenly raised at the moment the quilt was lifted.

"Lin Zhixiao, let's talk."

I exhaled and opened my eyes, "About what?"

"What do you think about the profession as a Doctor?"

"Help the people who are dying and heal the injured one."

"........ in the marriage aspect."

"Generally, they are late to marry."

".......... in the dating aspect."

"They don't have time."

Gu Wei completely gave up to communicate with me, laid down and took me into his arms, and sighed softly: "Let's sleep."

I could faintly smell the perfumed soap on his body, listening to his steady heartbeat, it was like brewing my sleepiness. Just in five minutes, I fell asleep. Using Doctor's words, "There would be some difficulty in our adaptation."

Although some unpleasant things had happened during the Lunar New Year, it wasn't without benefits. Both of us had gained a few mutual respects as a couple, and our feelings seemed to have been showing out a little bit. Especially Gu Wei, although he still put that thousands of years of smiling face, the corner of his eyes would show a little emotion, and it became more and more apparent.

During the next two days of Gu Wei's day off, I was kept in the apartment— for cleaning. The fact proved out that when someone used the power of love, even cleaning the 40-floor apartments could be finished in two days.

Gu Wei explained the theory very well, "A handsome man who wears rubber gloves is still a handsome man."

I deeply suspect that he was trying to seduce me with the image of a perfect family in which the woman could do anything, and the man could do laundry and cooking.

On the third night, I was able to fall asleep quickly, even in his softly long-winded talk.

(Sansan: Wow! He could settle you in two days and three nights!)

In March.
Teacher Lin went back to the hospital for a full examination. I accompanied him at the night.

A year after the surgery, I lay back on this narrow escort bed. I heard the sound of the patient's family members in the same ward, falling to the ground in the middle of the night. I could not help but feel that perhaps I could turn around without obstacle in this 40 cm bed. In fact, maybe I was the reincarnation of the white-snake girl.

In my confused state, I felt some movement, and I quickly opened my eyes. The sky was beginning to  dawn, but I could clearly see that the Doctor bent down. His face was no more than 30 centimeters away from me, and one of his hands was on the top of my pajamas button.

The normal action of the heroine in the story would be —
"Ah, you pervert!" said it with embarrassedly.
"Ah, I hate you~" then gave a counterattack.
"Ah, asshole!" then gave a slap.

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