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On a big and soft milky white-coloured bed, the Doctor's eyelashes cast a fluffy shadow. In his crook of arms, there was a  Doctor's clone in a small version, wore his little one piece pajamas, curled beside him, his soft hair stick against his tiny head. The two of them sleeping and breathed up and down together, and the sun shone on them. When the camera turned to the door, a strange women came in .........

I opened my eyes, and Teacher Lin snored slightly next to me. I took a breath, lifted my wristwatch, it was less than 2 o'clock in the morning. I smiled mockingly to myself, closed my eyes, and rekindled my drowsiness. I didn't know how long i had been lying. I suddenly heard messy footsteps rushed from the opposite of the intensive care unit. Half a minute later, the crying sound was earth shaking.

After that, i heard bottles smashing, something falling to the ground, and sound of rolling wheels of the patient's bed, a shrill female voice, "He was fine before this, why did he suddenly pass away after he was given to you ?"

I vaguely heard a familiar voice, put on my coat, and pushed the door to open. The was only a row of nightlights in the hallway. Doctor Gu stood straight against the wall, with a medical record folder in his hand, glass fragments scattered all over the ground, and the family of the deceased surrounded him. The loud voices blamed him. There were some light and shadows on his face, cast by the nightlight. He lowered his eyes, so I couldn't see his expression.

The cleaner, Xiao Du, went over with a broom to clean up the glass residue on the ground. "Get out of the way," He said to the emotional family of the deceased.

The little cleaner was complete lack of guard when he went to the Doctor's side. The Doctor held his arm and said, "Clean it up later."

The little cleaner frowned and walked to the nurse station, and stopped at my door.

"Was that the retired Professor?" That person just got off from the operating Table yesterday.

Xiao Du twitched his mouth, "When they signed the surgical treatment, they already told them. Their Father was more than 80 years old with heart disease, diabetes, history of craniotomy and stents installation. The foundation of his body was not good. It was difficult to get off from the operating table. He already entered the end-stage. It would be better to go home and enjoy two more days. His sons and daughters were interested in their father's high retirement money and insisted on performing the surgery. If he could survive the another day, they will get one day's extra money. When they had the time to be filial, I didn't see anyone come. What's the point in smashing and breaking things? Fortunately, Doctor Gu has good temper." The 19 year old boy felt unsatisfied in his heart, and his voice was getting louder. It made all the family members stare at him. I quickly patted him on the shoulder and said, "Just get some sleep first."

Xiao Du wrinkled his eyebrows, just when he was about to turn around, suddenly the youngest son of the deceased Doctor Gu's neckline and pushed him hard to the wall, "How could a completely fine person passed away after we handed him to you ! Tell me!"

I was utterly stunned. For the first time in over 20 years of my life, I saw a patient's family acted rough to a doctor. So by the time I reacted, I rushed over with Xiao Du. Some family members saw that someone was ready to pick up a fight, so hurriedly came forward and separate them.

"Don't start a fight." Xiao Du got angry and shouted out.

"My father is gone!" A woman shouted and rushed over, and i was too late to react. When I stepped aside, she already pushed me at the top of my neck. The Doctor pulled my hand and hid me behind his back, and tried to stop that woman, "This is Hospital! Don't mess around!"

After that, there was a brief chaos. All I could see was the white coat in front of me until the security guards arrived to take control of the scene. Later, just like in the movies, the police arrived.

"They didn't only kill someone, but they are also beating people." The eldest son of the deceased grabbed the policeman's arm.

"They are the ones who did it." Xiao Du rubbed his arm, and his face became red because of the anger.

"There are surveillance cameras in the hallway, who did it, you can check it from the video." Doctor Gu turned around and looked at me, suddenly raised his hand and touched my chin.

"Ss-!" I just discovered a cut on my chin, and it was bleeding. It was a disaster.

Both Doctor and patients, together with the Police Officers, went to the Doctor's Office. The crowd had dispersed. I went back to the ward after I calmed Teacher Lin down, I sat on the bed holding a blanket and stared blankly. About half an hour later, I gently pushed the ward door to open, and I came .

"Your chin." Doctor Gu lifted the band-aid in his hand.

"Thank You." I received it and tore it to open, and then i found out that there was no mirror in the hallway.

The Doctor sighed and took the band-aid, "Raise your head."

I stood stiffly, suddenly felt a little embarrassed. In the middle of the night, a single man and a single woman...touched until the band-aid sticked on my wounds. I cleared my throat, "Has everything been settled?"

"Hmm." He frowned slightly and looked at the intensive care unit's door with a blank expression. After a long silence, he whispered, "That was the first patient who passed away in my hands."

Many people thought that the people with the profession of Doctors had been used to seeing life and death, but they had forgotten. When we see people who suffer from disease and hopelessness, our first reaction is to take pity on them, but the Doctor's first reaction was to save their lives.

No one could be indifferent to death. However, we just hoped that Doctors could save them.

I looked at the ICU room, that has been cleaned up, "My Uncle is a Chinese Medicine practitioner. He once said, if he can save a life, had done his best. But if he isn't able to do it, he has also still done his best."

Special Dialog:

Doctor: Ah, that chaotic night. But it made me understand something.

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