First Visit

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Outside the city, I called home.

"Mom, I came out of school. And —I'm taking someone home."


My mother's emphasis is always so different...

Two hours later, I rang the doorbell nervously and excitedly.

Teacher Lin opened the door, he stood still for 3 seconds. The first sentence was: "Ah, good Doctor Gu!"

The Doctor smiled: "Greeting Teacher Lin. How is your health?"

Teacher Lin smiled, "Not bad, not bad."

Is this a father's normal reaction to his daughter's boyfriend? Shouldn't it be 'young man, you stole my daughter!' Then look up and down, evaluate, analyze, criticize, and 'do you want to duel?'

I was led into my house by the Doctor...

The sense of disobedience is too strong!

My mother greeted me, " why are you in a daze? Change your slippers." I was pulled back to reality. The things carried by the Doctor transferred to Teacher Lin's hands, two people warm greetings.

What was the reason for my previous nervousness?

In fact, the son-in-law's nervousness to come home for the first time was not towards his mother-in-law, but his old father-in-law. Although there are stories everywhere, of evil mothers-in-law demanding a house and a car, my mother would never indecently and never handles money, so —

(Doctor: "The old father-in-law becomes extremely important, as long as you and he are on the same side, the mother-in-law is a paper tiger.")

I looked at the diamond-grade paper tiger with an extremely dignified smile, my heart rate went up again.

It was lunchtime when I got home. After exchanging pleasantries, the two sides washed their hands and came to the table.

Here, I have to describe our table. Chinese style, rectangle, one seat wide and two seats long. When eating, Teacher Lin sits on the wide side. I sit face to face with the Doctor. The Doctor is at Teacher Lin's left hand, I am in his right hand, and at my right hand is my mother. I'm still thinking that was a disastrous layout.

Our family does not have the habit of serving food, but it didn't affect my parent's hospitality. The Doctor seemed gentle and decent, and I couldn't help feeling that the guy was strong at heart. On the contrary, I looked calm; but in fact, I have no clue about their discussion on the topic of postoperative recovery. In the end, my wandering eyes fell on the Doctor's lips, subconsciously counting the number of times he chewed each mouthful. I fell into a daze, he basically chews 12 times per bite...

Teacher Lin had a small stomach and took a paper towel to wipe his mouth after the meal. Finally, he showed what little sensitivity he had and usual slowness: "Doctor Gu, are you coming to Y city to travel or visit relatives?"

Doctor: "Well both."

What came next was the 10 seconds of chaos.


My mother seemed to be struck by the epiphany that Teacher Lin missed. She subconsciously kicked Teacher Lin.

However, I was embarrassed by the Doctor's verbal reply and subconsciously kicked the Doctor.

My mother and Teacher Lin are separated by me.

The Doctor and I are separated by Teacher Lin...

A long while later, we talked about the situation under the table—

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