Keeping Watch on Happiness

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Since I knew he was going abroad for further study, Gu Wei was very indulgent of me. Specifically, he had no problem with me turning into a koala and lying on his back all day.

I do.

I can't give up.

However, I fully understand the important principle.

So, I continued to lie calmly on his back.

In the following days, I went to work normally, and in my spare time, I prepared the Doctor's luggage bit by bit looking at the list.

On the evening of the 29th, Gu Wei sat on the sofa and watched me count his luggage for the last time. Tomorrow his luggage will be checked in, in advance.

I closed the lid, dialed the lock code, and sat on the suitcase in a daze. The Doctor came and sat down on the carpet next to me and handed over a pocket-sized letter. "This is for you."

I picked it up, opened it, and fell speechless in an instant.

It's full of precautions, contact numbers of all family and friends, car annual review time, and house decoration progress. Even a list of the expert clinics for Teacher Lin on which day of the week.

"I put the water and electricity bill on my payroll. This is the key to my parent's house and Grandpa's house." The Doctor removed the keys from the key chain and strung them into my key chain one by one.

How can I let you go like this?


On the 30th, I went home with the doctor. The Doctor's father was still very calm and told him some matters needed attention, but the Doctor's mother turned her eyes around us and hesitated to speak.

In the afternoon, the whole family took a nap. I lay in Gu Wei'ss arms and crouched on the recliner on the balcony. With the sunshine at the end of summer, I listened to the Doctor recount all of our stories.

"... I didn't know how to talk to you at that time..."

"... Ah, I thought of several ways to trick you out, but in the end, I didn't use it..."

"You don't know you get slow sometimes... There's nothing I could do..."

"... Teacher Lin threatened me very seriously. He told me what would happen to me..."

"... I was thinking about what I should do if you sign in Z City or sign back to Y City..."

I listened quietly to him telling me one by one. Many things now seem to be beautiful and interesting, and only the parties who have come all the way can appreciate the anxiety, unease, entanglement, and apprehension at that time. I am extremely grateful that my life changed from dark and unexpected to happiness, in the year when Teacher Lin was ill. I met such a person who gave me trust and let me rely on him. Happiness sometimes has nothing to do with how many promises have been made, what we have done together, or even the so-called 'as long as you want, as long as I have'. The most primitive meaning of happiness is companionship, that is, knowing that there is a person in your life who will be there all the time and won't leave.

(只要你要只要我有 — zhi yao ni yao zhi yao wo you— 'As long as you want, as long as I have' = As long as it is what you want, then as long as I have such a thing or ability, I will do it for you.)

What impressed me the most about Gu Wei was his attitude towards the relationship from beginning to end, cleanliness, honesty, respect, and integrity. I knew for a long time that Gu Wei's family was looking forward to him getting married soon, but he never exposed me to these pressures. How many 30-something-year-old men try their best to turn to the Civil Affairs Bureau when they meet a girl? He had many reasons to fight with me and go straight to the wedding hall, but he still chose to focus on love step by step and manage a complete relationship well.

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