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MARCH 10, 2009

It was a little late in the afternoon, most of the patients were having lunch, and the whole ward was quiet. I used the microwave oven to cook Egg Custard in the pantry when I suddenly heard a sound behind me, "What are you doing this late?" It startled me, and I turned around. Doctor Gu was standing at the door, he even hadn't changed out of his surgical suit.

"Teacher Lin is hungry."

"Hungry?" His eyebrows rose slightly. "How good his recovery is.."

"Because he has two VIP special caretakers by his side."

He smiled and walked away.

Six o'clock in the evening, I took out the Egg Custard from the pantry and happened to meet Doctor Gu, who was about to go home.

"I didn't do my rounds today because I had a full day of surgery. How is your father doing?"

I replied solemnly, "Alive and healthy."

He glanced to the lunch box in my hand: "Is this -- pigeon egg?"

I nodded, the doctor smiled and shook his head: "Teacher Lin's level of treatment."

I found out that doctors weren't always so serious.

MARCH 11, 2009

Teacher Lin's arteries tolerance was poor, especially with thick substance such as milk fat emulsion infusion.

"His artery blood vessel's tolerance is poor, it's not very effective to use hot towels."

"Wait for his biochemical blood tests tomorrow. If the indicator index is enough, we can stop it. Today, we will slow down the dripping speed. It will take long time, and you need to work hard." Doctor Gu lowered his head and smiled. "The two VIP special caretakers in our ward are famous now."

I was little embarrassed and held my forehead. Teacher Lin's recovery condition was excellent and he could walk. He pushed the infusion bottle and walked around the wards to make friends with a group of patients. Naturally, their family came to my mother and consulted about how to make nutritional food, also asked me about meridian massage.

"Have you always been spoiling Teacher Lin like this?"

I looked at the confused Doctor and smiled, " There are two women and a man in the family. He is a rare resource."

The Doctor laughed, "Would you be this good to your future husband?"

I nodded, "My mom is a great role model."

Coming out from the Doctor's office, I took a deep breath, pulled out my cellphone and called Sansan, "Sansan, I think I have a crush on my father's in-charge Doctor."

Sansan: "My dear, finally, you get it. Go! Seduce him! Make him fall for you!"

Me: "He was born in 1981...."

Sansan: "We can't pursue people who are already taken, stop it as soon as possible. It's a sin, Amitabha ..."

Me: "It doesn't look like he belongs to anyone. Just a moment ago, I went to his office, and he asked whether I would be this good to my future husband. I think my heart could even overturn the sea and river."

Sansan: "Unexpectedly, he openly flirts back at you. If that's the circumstances, make some inquiries and ask around. If he belongs to no one, you can get to work as soon as possible."

Me: "Ask whom?"

Sansan: "Find out yourself!"

I had no choice but to admit, the girls who studied engineering have some unexplained aggressiveness.

Me: "I.. have no experience."

Sansan used an impatient way to speak, "You silly girl! You can casually bring it up in a small conversations, like how old is your child and so on."

I had to admit once again, the girls who studied engineering can always find a way that you couldn't, just like finding out a convenient path on a crowded path. That was their professional trait. These things made me very ashamed of my geology major.

Sansan: "Hurry, you're getting old."

Who was getting old?! You are a bully who likes to add to another person's age! I hung up the phone decisively.

After hanging up the call, I got back to the ward. I happened to meet the next ward's patient, Grandpa Zhang, who is about to be discharged from the hospital. his son and his daughter-in-law were busy, his little grandson turned around and saw me, then called me Aunty Xiao Lin. I reached the chocolate bar out from the pocket, touched his head and walked over to help. That little boy thanked me and rushed out excitedly. On his way out he got bumped into Doctor Gu who was entering the door, he looked up and ran out hurriedly.

"Run slowly." Doctor Gu regained his gaze, a smile was faintly on his face, then he held up his glasses. "It seems like children are afraid of doctors." He drew out a pen from his pocket, took the medicine bag on the bedside cabinet to write the dosage and precautions.

I took a deep breath, tried to calm down my expression, "Then, Doctor Gu, do you have any children?"

The Doctor paused and looked up at me, "No, I don't have children."

"Stupid! You should have asked again, 'Are you single?'!" Sansan replied to my text message.

I looked at the sky depressingly. Having no children doesn't mean that he has neither family nor girlfriend....

Special Dialog:

Doctor: You, silly! If I do have a partner but don't have any children, I will say 'my kids haven't been born yet.'

(Who could understand your secrets hints?)

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