Giving a Real Status

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On New Year's Day in 2011, the sunshine was very good. Gu Wei wrapped me up and carried me out of the house. He and his friends made an appointment to play football. At the gate, something unexpected happened.

Gu Wei took my hand and said, "Come on, let me show you around my high school."

The guard patted him on the shoulder and let us in.

During the holiday, there were some scattered students on campus, some laughing together, some playing basketball with sweat on their foreheads, some standing in the corridor in the sun, reciting English, and some gathered at the stairs to debate test answer options.

"There, the sculpture, before any exam someone would paste notes on it wishing for high scores....."

"The stairs, every time it snows, it freezes the next day. So, pay special attention when you walk over there....."

"The basketball court has been expanded now. There weren't so many fields before. The fastest runner in each class would come to grab the right to use it..."

"Ah, the breakfast in the canteen tastes very good. I never knew what they added in soya-been milk. Lunch is a bit more painful, for three years the food is basically the same...."

After listening to him recall his high school life sporadically, I suddenly wanted to see what young Gu Wei looked like. Whether he was also running around in a school uniform laughing loudly or morosely complaining that the test paper is too difficult, the teacher is weird, etc.

"I came to X City twice a year, I would have come over if I had known ..." I started to rumble.

Gu Wei smiled: "When I was in high school, you were still in primary school. In any case, I wouldn't have laid hands on a child."


At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Wei's friends arrived one after another. When I was introduced as  'my family, I felt a little embarrassed. The crowd greeted me politely and I took off my coat to warm up on the lawn. I stayed beside a pile of clothes.

The group of men thought I couldn't hear them —

A: "Gu Wei, you are so bad! You already have a wife!"

B: "You are intentionally teasing me who was recently lovelorn, aren't you?"

C: "Speak! Where did you get her?!"

D: "Gu brother, does sister-in-law have any cousins?"

E: "Please invite us tonight! You have to!"

I just wanted to sigh with emotion; even in their 30s men could be so childish—

Gu Wei: "You cover it up a little bit. Your envy, jealousy, and hatred are too obvious."

I .. found the most childish one.

Gu Wei drank very little that night, but when his fellow sat on the co-pilot seat and looked at me with squinting eyes, I thought I was going to shrink back.

"Doctor, are you —are you drunk?" I don't even know how much alcohol he drank until now.

"Do you want me to be drunk?"


I took a deep breath: "Just look outside the window!"


New Year's in 2011 felt very short, busy with buying New Year goods and cleaning. New Year's Eve dinner and New Year's greetings.

On the 4th of the month, when I went to see Xiao Geng. He could understand clearly. I played with his soft fingers and made him laugh. My cousin gave me a look: "Haven't you had a showdown aunt-flow yet?"

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