Quick Return

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In the end, I didn't even stay for a day. When I was still helping Xiao Cao to arrange her suitcase. My phone suddenly screamed with joy: "Your nephew is going to be born soon. She has entered the delivery room."

I picked up my notebook and went to the station without baggage. I called the Doctor on the way.

"Doctor, my nephew is going to be born." I was responsible as the 'blood bank'.

"........." Even sighing was lazy for him, "take care of your safety along the way."

On the first day of the summer solstice, cousin-in-law successfully gave birth to Xiao Geng, weighed 7,2 pounds. 

I called the Doctor: "Gu Wei, I've been promoted to become an aunt."


"Thank you for congratulating me..."

After hanging up the phone, I suddenly realized that I just said something wrong.......

Xiao Geng completely inherited cousin-in-law's calm character. He ate and slept, then slept and back to eating. Occasionally he would wake and rolled his eyes. Cousin was very excited and said, "Son, look here, say something." Xiao Geng completely ignored him, closed his eyes, and continued to sleep.

Cousin: "If you don't cry and make any noise, you really make me feel terrified."

Everyone: "....."

After my cousin-in-law was discharged from the hospital, I returned to X-City. I didn't tell the doctor beforehand; I wanted to give him a surprise. As a result, it turned out that I didn't fate to be a female protagonist. When I arrived at the apartment, the Doctor was not there, and I forgot to bring my keys.

I had to accept my misfortunes and texted, "Doctor, what are you?"

A phone call came up quickly.

"Xiao Xiao, you — where are you?" With an unconfident way of speaking.

Had I exposed something from text message?

"Where are you now?" The tone was a bit worried.

"In front of your apartment. I forgot to bring my keys."

"I am on my way. There is still about a quarter of an hour." The phone hung up.

In the next quarter of an hour, every time the elevator sounded, I would look over. The hot and stuffy weather made me wait in boredom. When all my embarrassment and excited emotions had vanished, the Doctor arrived.

"You, how....."

"I miss you." I wiped the sweat from my head. "Doctor, I'm dehydrate."

As soon as I entered the door, I went into the bathroom and washed my face. I filled a sink with water, then buried my face there. I instantly got a fresh feeling. When I raised my face full of water, the Doctor stood by me side.

I just got ready to tease him, "Am I that surprisingly beautiful?", he had come up to seize my waist and drew his face near me...

Our first kiss, I thought I was going crazy.... Crazy because of the heat...

The Doctor patted my face: "Do you want to rewash your face?" It was boiling hot.

I grabbed him by his neck: "Have you finished the kiss?"

Doctor: "...not yet."

After I took a shower, I smiled sweetly and heard the Doctor made a sound while tidying up things outside.

Before I just said, "If I want to take a shower  right away, will you......?"" 

The Doctor weakly supported his forehead: "Lin Zhixiao, you stay away from me!" Then, with a red face, he went out.

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