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MARCH 12, 2009

I came out of the ward, preparing to go back to the hotel to take a shower and get some sleep, just as Doctor Gu was going to his office after his rounds from the ward next to ours.

I followed from two meters behind him, watching him bend his fingers. As he was walking alone, he knocked his knuckles on the wooden handrail in the hallway and hummed in a soft voice, considerably tired to enjoy himself quietly. I found out that when he was in a good mood, he would make these gestures, such as knocking desks, low cabinets, and corridor handrails. When he was in a bad mood, he would put his hands on his thigh, and then gently tap his index fingertips. It was probably his subconscious habit.

Just like my neighbor's 10-month-old baby, the mother was a fan of Franz Liszt, so her phone's ringtone was "La Campanella." Every incoming call, baby would follow the music and tap the wooden railings on his crib and enjoy himself. Thought of this, I couldn't help but laugh.

(Franz Liszt was a Hungarian composer, virtuoso pianist, conductor, music teacher, arranger and organist of the romantic era. "La Campanella." was one of his works.)

The Doctor suddenly turned around - I wasn't even laughing with sound.

When a person is laughing and suddenly stopped, their expressions would be particularly like swallowing a fly, so I kept smiling. The patient's family smiled at the Doctor. He should be used to it.

The Doctor politely tilted the corner of his mouth at me, put his hand inside the pocket of his white coat, and moved forward. I saw his ears become red.

When I returned to the ward at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, my mother sent me to the Doctor's office to get Teacher Lin's blood test result. It didn't reach the working hours yet, so the young doctors in the office were chatting. A doctor with surname Chen joked: "Gu Wei, hurry and sign up for the 'If You Are The One' reality show, it's effective like a medicine, and the healing effect was quick, don't waste resources. " A group of people is teasing along.

(If You Are The One or Fei Cheng Wu Rao [非城勿扰] is a Chinese dating game show hosted by Meng Fei. Loosely based on the Taken Out format, the show is produced by JSBC.)

"Would they reimburse my plane ticket?" He teased back in a relaxed way.

"Doctor Gu -" I knocked on the door.

The man with his back to me froze, and suddenly turned back : "Hmm?"

"My Father's blood test result -" It was terrible timing.

"Oh!" He stood up from his seat and quickly flipped through his medical record folder. "Hmm, hmm - I already checked the indicator, and all of them are qualified. After today's milk fat emulsion infusion, we can stop tomorrow."

I looked at his flustered expression, held back my smile, thanked him, and went out. Two steps out of the door, I heard Doctor Chen's voice, "Gu Wei, what are you blushing about?"

A reached out my cellphone, "A man who is being teased to sign up for 'If You Are The One's reality show- "

Sansan rushed in with a phone call, "You are a lucky bastard. You've met a lonesome man."

Why is it from the way she talked, I felt like a child being kidnaped and sold to a man to become his wife?"

5:30 in the evening. Doctor Gu went to the nurse station to check the patient's CT scan results. By chance, the head nurse was carrying a colorful basket and distributed the steamed dumplings to everyone. She saw him depressingly examine that film, " Gu Wei, come and eat some steamed dumplings."

"No, I haven't washed my hands." He turned his head awkwardly.

The head nurse was a women in her forties, she took one and said, "Come on, open your mouth." She stuffed in a whole piece. "Ah-"

When I walked out of the pantry (the pantry was next to the nurse station), with Teacher Lin's Egg Custard, Doctor Gu was holding a pile of CT scan results with his mouth full of food, trying to swallow and say a complete "Thank you." Seeing me appeared suddenly, he choked for a while, couldn't cough it out, but his face rapidly turned red.

Amitabha Buddha, it's a sin. I glimpsed at the water cup that he put on the nurse station counter and handed it over.

(It's a sin to let people suffer.)

"Cough, cough." He took two mouthfuls and finally calmed down. "Thank you."

When I saw the nurses grinning, that 'you're welcome,' I really couldn't say it out loud. As he was about to leave, Doctor Chen strode past the door of the nurse's station with two small boxes: "I'm going home. See you later, guys!"

"Ah? where did you get two boxes?" The head nurse was astonished.

Doctor Gu, who was breathing calmly on the side, woke up from his dream: "He robbed mine!"

Doctor Chen, who had run away, laughed and shouted, "If you choose to follow solitary life, don't waste the resources!"

I looked at the smiling nurse and the speechless doctor, I was bewildered. A long while later, I suddenly remembered to ask him, only to know that it was some activity in their department, Each of them needed to send a box of Ejiao.

(Ejiao is Donkey-hide Gelatin which is a gelatin obtained from the skin of the donkey [Equus Asinus] by soaking and stewing, it is used as an ingredient in the Traditional Medicine of China [TCM].)

Special Dialog:

Doctor: In every Unpredictable situation, I always bumped into you.

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