Golden Seal Wedding

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On September 30, I returned to Y city in advance to prepare for Jin Shi and Yin Shi's wedding the next day. As a bridesmaid who is also the wedding guest, I spent the whole day checking everything against the dense list and staring at the wedding rehearsal. At eight o'clock in the evening, I received a text message from the Doctor: [I have arrived safely.]

I hugged Yin Shi: "Have a good sleep." Then left her home.


At home.

My mother came to open the door and told me in a low voice: "He said he was not hungry, so he drank a cup of soybean milk."

"Probably tired." I gently pushed open the door of the room, the Doctor was half on the bed, with his eyes closed.

I crept over and crouched down to look at him.

I remember when I was a child, my grandmother brought back a kitten from her friend's house. It was completely black and still not weaned. Its eyes were half closed. I sit next to it every morning after breakfast, holding a dropper and feeding it milk. After lunch, I continue to watch it. inner came in the blink of an eye. Time really flies like flowing water.

Albert Einstein told us that while living with loved ones, days feel like seconds.

Gu Wei and I just looked at each other, and two years passed by so quickly.

Listening to his even breathing, I poked at his eyelashes with my fingertips. My heart felt so soft.

Gu Wei shook his head and reached for the LCD clock on the bedside table. It was 9:30. He sat up slowly and then: "Ah, it's the guest room....."

I watched him curl his lips and take a bath, and I put out his pajamas. I wanted to smile for no reason. I got up and went to the kitchen to make him a cup of rice porridge.

Gu Wei took a bath, drank rice porridge obediently, and then stuck to my back. I cleaned the table— he followed, and washed the dishes—he followed, closed the soybean milk machine, and he continued to follow.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing, took his head, and dragged him into the bedroom. When I passed the living room, I calmly ignored Teacher Lin's round eyes.

At half-past ten, the door of the room was knocked on three times and Teacher Lin leaned half in. At that time, Gu Wei was lying on the bed, leaning against the head of the bed to leaf through a magazine. I was sitting at the table with a face mask, and both of us looked up at him.

"Oh—," Teacher Lin looked at the very virtuous scene, "I'm going to bed first. You also go to bed early."

Gu Wei and I: "Good night?"

Teacher Lin: "Good night..." and quietly retired.

Everybody coming and going are so during the wedding day. Which bride can expect to sleep in so late on the wedding day?

Yin Shi can.

The makeup artist arrived, and she slept until nearly 9 o'clock, only to be pinched awake by Jin Shi. (They live opposite each other.) 

I watched her slowly drink milk and apply a facial mask in the room filled with wedding dresses. I deeply felt that such a leisurely bride is really rare in the world.

At noon, Jin Shi's mother and my mother brought a large pot of dumplings and a large pot of supper, implying a happy reunion. (San San: Is it a good mix?) 

Gu Wei worked harder than me. When I was sitting in my room making up and changing clothes after the meal, he was caught and was told to meet someone at the station.

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