Greatly Admire

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JULY 22, 2009

Although Teacher Lin's Chemotherapy didn't have particularly severe vomiting this time, he was like a pregnant woman. His face was pale, and his appetite changed rapidly. An hour ago he wanted to eat meat porridge, and an hour later he wanted to drink some juice.

When I was back from buying juice, I saw Doctor Gu stand in the nurse station from afar. The three nurses surrounded Doctor Gu.

"It's rare for a few divisions to get together. Let's get together in the evening."

"Hotpot? BBQ? Bar? KTV? You choose the place, my treat."

"Those two vacancies in the Radiology Department must be given to you!"

The young people nowadays, their nightlife was richly colorful. 

After last night, I have promoted Doctor Gu to a revolutionary battle companion who would save me from my bad luck. I always thought that his real feeling could only be revealed if we get along.

So when I was about to pass through nurse station without glancing, I heard "Ah, Lin Zhixiao, Director C asked me to tell you—" I planned to step aside and looked for 'someone' following behind me, but there was no-one else around me. I expressed my disdain at close range— the most abominable thing I couldn't afford to do is to escape with the help of an innocent passer-by, and I hope 'someone' would poke my back.

Sadly, I had to continue to walk forward without glancing back and returned to the ward.

After I talked with my mother about the coveted man, my mother sighed, "So you can't find a doctor to be husband, there are too many temptations."

I nodded approvingly, and suddenly I felt a little depressed, as I was a flat paper that had been crumpled and threw into a corner.


AUGUST 11, 2009

Xiao Du went back to the hospital, came back to send happy candy.

{Happy Candy (喜糖) : It's the sweet given on a joyous occasion.}

I didn't know what this kid is thinking about. In the hospital, holding a box of candy, giving each person one when he saw an acquaintance. Which part of  "getting an admission notice" had to do anything with it?

However, I was not lucky enough to see that, I also received a bag of candy from Doctor Gu. It was very festive red bag, and it was inexplicably written, "To the Great Sister Lin, who fell from the sky."

"This is what he asked me to hand over to you."

Doctor Gu smiled until his eyebrows bent, "It was better that you were not at the scene. He would have been too excited and hugged you on the spot and kiss you."


"He treated the head nurse like that."

"......." Not bad, now he could even tell a joke.

We had known each other for nearly half a year now. Although Doctor Gu always gave a bright smile, light smile, or a slight smile. But most of the time, he always spoke formally. It only made people feel he was gentle and friendly. That's why I always thought that this gentleman could only be looked at from afar and not to get closer to play with.

Unlike in the past, every time we met, we had to go through the process of 'not seeing each other for a while, from a stranger into a familiar person.' This time, both of our familiarity had surpassed the ordinary 'patient's family', so I asked casually, "Where's Cheng Yu?"

"She transferred to another department for an internship. Did you bring food for her again?"


"Why don't you bring some for me?" A natural voice passed on.

I laughed and didn't take it seriously, and after he promised to help me call the nurse station tomorrow, I thanked him and left. Later I found out that on the Doctor's brocade bag was written. "Take acre, Brother-in-law"

(Du Wenjun your handwriting is really ....)


AUGUST 12, 2009

After nine o'clock, I returned to the ward with a mitt and brought freshly baked fish soup. I met the Doctor in the hallway and walked back side by side, "Oh, I just called the Psychiatrist Department. Cheng Yu said she would come when she is free."

"Thank  —"

"Sister —"

I turned my head and saw Xiao Yu who hurriedly came toward me, just as swallow flying in the forest. Subconsciously I moved aside.

The ward door was on my right, a nurse was standing  next to a cart with her head down to fill in some notes. On the cart were bottles, liquids, and needles. The opposite of me was a garbage bag with the replaced needle, infusion pipes, and syringes inside.

As soon as I moved aside, I bumped into that nurse. I was so surprised, so I took a step back. Unfortunately, I slipped and fell onto the garbage bag.

"Ah!" The nurse yelled.

Doctor Gu quickly grabbed my arm, put me into his embrace, staggered back to the side. The ceramic soup bowl fell onto the ground and broke into four pieces with a 'bang'. "Did you scald your hand?"

I shook my head and looked at the baked fish soup on the ground, speechless.

"What's going on? Something happened?" The head nurse rushed to us.

"Nothing, her hand slipped."

"Is she okay?"

"She's fine."

Until the head nurse turned and walked away, the Doctor finally let go of my hand?"

"I regained my consciousness and whispered, "My hand slipped....."

For the next ten minutes, in the first hallway for surgery, two girls looked embarrassed while cleaning up the mess.


AUGUST 13, 2009

Before leaving the hospital, doctor Gu came to the ward to ask Teacher Lin to sign the last procedure for the chemotherapy.

Throughout the process, I looked at the sky, looked at the earth, looked at the air, all over my body felt uncomfortable. As if I just took a shower with boiling water, the heat was stuck in my skin.

When cleaning up the mess yesterday, Xiao Yu lamented, "Earlier, Teacher Gu reacted so quickly."


"Sister, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Oh?" Is it possible to turn the subject this way?


Special Dialog:

Doctor: You can take it slowly.

(You also expressed it slightly....)

Doctor: You were showing no expression all day long. What else can I do? I can't just rush into it!

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