Jin Shi & Yin Shi Side Story: Talking About the Big Issue

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Jin Shi and Yin Shi are a wonderful couple.

They are the only couple I have seen that have no ups and downs. The road of love is so smooth that it's inconceivable that even cynics like San San had to believe in love.

Jin Shi is one year older than us, but two grades higher than us, because he jumped a grade in studies.

Yin Shi was the same year as us but was one grade ahead of us because she also jumped one grade.

Therefore, it is not they are compatible.

When Yin Shi was four years old, Jin Shi's family moved across the hall from hers. The new neighbors visited each other and found that the two children were in the same kindergarten, the two fathers were in companies that worked together, and the two mothers were in the same bureau. They were connected all the way up. Yin Shi's Grandfather and Jin Shi's Grandfather both served in the Northeast Field Army. During the Wen/Ge period. Yin Shi's Grandmother and Jin Shi's Grandmother have educated youths on the same farm and so on... Before the young parents finished talking, Yin Shi had fallen asleep in the crook of Jin Shi's arm.

Therefore, fate had come and cannot be stopped.

Until Yin Shi graduated from junior high school.

They spent ten years as neighbors.

At that time, we were relatively simple. Apart from San San occasionally extorting Jin Shi's pocket money and Yin Shi following the distribution of 'stolen goods', our circle of people really didn't realize what was wrong with the two.

When the summer vacation came and Yin Shi's senior high school entrance examination ended, the two went to the school by bus, hand in hand, to take part in the collective make-up lessons, quantitative change finally led to qualitative change.

In those days, puppy love was still a rather serious thing, but strangely, no one felt it was abrupt and no one was surprised. For the first time, everyone, including the two parents, saw "Hm? Oh..." Of course, they accepted.

I don't know whether they are too good or whether our psychological quality is too good.

When I entered high school a year later, I found that even the teachers in the school were selectively blind. It is said that at the end of Jin Shi's senior group leader's reprimand for early love, they would add a sentence: "if you are capable, you can talk about it just like that one and that one!"

In the third year of high school, San San came to our school for the first and only time, in order to look at this 'magical couple' before Jin Shi graduated.

As a result, she saw nothing. No kiss, no sweet words, no intimate physical contact, no pink, no ripples, no holy radiance... two people just calmly walked shoulder to shoulder...

At that time, Jin Shi and Yin Shi shared a small apartment with two rooms and one hall. San San carefully surveyed every corner of the room and found no trace of any 'affair' between the two. I can only say that these two people only talked about love to the height of kinship.

After Jin Shi finished the college entrance examination, I took over his position and became roommates with Yin Shi. When countless college entrance examination graduated sold books at 30 cents a kilo, Jin Shi packed his notes and carried them from his room to Yin Shi's desk.

This is love!

In the third year of Yin Shi's senior high school, I didn't see them talking on the phone, nor did I waste paper as I did with San San because their feelings were harder than diamonds and calmer than air.

Occasionally on holidays, Jin Shi will come back from K University to make romantic dinner for Yin Shi. I would leech off food and drink with them. After eating, I will stare at them straight and see no flowers. Basically, Yin Shi did exercises and Jin Shi leaned against her bead and read a book, or Yin Shi slept in the bed and Jin Shi sat at the table and read a book. Their feelings have gone beyond the scope of human understanding.

A year later, Yin Shi didn't fail to live up to the title of the 'Immortal family' and got into K University. And countless people covet the condensation of her and Jin Shi's 'two generation of high IQ review notes', she calmly sells thirty cents a catty...

At Yin Shi's 'Teacher Appreciation' banquet, Jin Shi accompanied the beauty all the way. It is established that the teachers who taught them both looked at the couple with twisted pride...

(Teacher Appreciation's banquet = this is something like a show before prom night, especially for teachers and students.)

For next four years, they went to different departments. They didn't live together or have *** (San San: How do you know that?! Me: I guessed, they both lived in cave-like dormitories...). There was a reinforced behind each of them, hoping that they would break up as soon as possible. The Two of them still swept off their admirers in their own way, seeing those wild bees, waves, and butterflies as nothing and no ambiguity at all. Every time I go to visit K University, I can see this and that kind of young people who are broken-hearted all over the place behind them... As for how the two of them get along, I don't know, because I didn't get that set of review notes and didn't get the chance to go to the K University.

The year Jin Shi Graduated, the two were engaged.

After so many years, everyone's altitude to receiving the invitation is still. "Huh? Oh..." As a matter of course, people went to eat and drink.

Their level lies in the fact that no one found their relationship as a surprise after decades.

How incredible this is!

At the engagement banquet, the group crowded together, and our childish Hou Zi teased the two of the: "When did you two hook up?"

Yin Shi: "I can't remember, it's so long ago."

Hou Zi: "You two haven't experienced the world of romance and dating. You've liked this for your whole lives. When you get bored with each other, what is the seven-year itch?"

(Seven Year Itch = in some marriage of seven years, people may feel bored and dull tedious regularity of married life, and so on passing the test of the 'affair' crisis.)

Jin Shi: "The seven-year itch between has passed."

San San held my hands that day and said, "I believe in love! I really believe in love!"

I believe it too.

Even if you don't believe it.

As early as before their engagement, their home was opposite to each other, and the attics on both sides were directly opened up to build new houses. When people got engaged and exchange rings, they directly exchange keys.

Jin Shi entered the Municipal Party Organization department after graduation and then continued to study as on-the-job graduate student.

Yin Shi graduated and entered a foreign company, then prepared to get an MBA.

The two of them had smooth sailing in both love and career.


Before Jin Shi graduated from graduate school, Yin Shi suddenly resigned.

"I don't have a job; would you support me?"


"Then let's go travel."


Then Jin Shi really took a leave of absence and went to Tibet for almost two weeks.

One day soon after returning.

"I've been taxed."


"In this way, our work breaks are more uniform."

"Then, let's get a marriage license."


This was a proposal and answer from this 'wonderful' couple.


After Jin Shi proposed successfully, he waited for his wife-to-be to adapt to work and school... with considerable patience.

Then it was said that Hou Zi's sentence: "I'm almost a father now, you two hurry up!" stimulated them. (believe it or not, I don't believe it anyway). After Yin Shi was free of chains for more than two years, on the second day of graduation, she was taken to the Civil Affairs Bureau and made into an honest woman.

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