Night Shift

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Forty-eight hours after the surgery, I stayed by Teacher Lin's side without closing my eyes. He frowned without sound, I could judge his condition through his trembling eyelashes, until he squeezed my hand and opened his mouth to expel a breath, "Hurts."

After they gave an anesthetic, my heart calmed down. I kissed his forehead, "Well behaved, the pain will go away quickly."

Our Teacher Lin is always blessed with fortune.  

When he was a kid, he lived in a military compound. Although his parents were busy, the military had taken care of his daily life, so he never felt worried.

When he left home to go to school, many people regarded him as a handsome man. Female students who tried to hook him picked his sheets and quilts up every weekend. He had shown off about this period of history until now.

After graduation, he admitted into a public institution. He moved into a dormitory, a 20-square meter suite for a single person. All of them who lived there became a family. In this kind of dormitory building, the most important person was the Big sister Ma, she was naggy but took good care of those young people's daily life. His roommate was a local, his mother often came to pay a visit. The old lady was very kind. She saw Teacher Lin; who was so skinny as a bamboo pole, so she bought some supplements and food for him too. 

Later, he wet into relationship with my mother. Fortunately, my mother was a clean-freak. My mother took down the curtains and washed it at least once a week. Now he didn't even need to wash his clothes and quilts as my mother was  afraid that he didn't wash it clean.

After getting married, they moved into a house in the same neighborhood with their grandparents. After a short while, my grandmother retired. She saw that young married couple were working so hard, so she offered herself to provide lunch and dinner. He and my mother only needed to take turns for making breakfast.

After I was born, under my mother's all-around self-care ability training and blind adoration of Teacher Lin since my childhood, I took over such tasks as making breakfast for him, matched his clothes, also handed over drinking water cups to him. Since then, Teacher Lin shed the last bit of worry in his life for over 20 years.

I say this because I just wanted to express a point of view- we had spoiled Teacher Lin all this time and we were used to it....

This time he went into surgery , big matters like getting down from the bed or as small as dressing up and gargling. My mother and I did it all.

My first direct contact with the doctor was on the  third night after the surgery, when I coaxed Teacher Lin to go to sleep. I was half crouched beside the bed in a twisted position that surpassed Sister Furong. My right elbow on the bed as a point of strength. My forearm supported Teacher Lin's neck and shoulder back let his head on my arm. With my left hand, I gently rubbed his back.

(Shi Hengxia {史恒侠} better known by her nickname Sister Furong, is a woman from Wugong County, Shaanxi Province, China who received worldwide notoriety in 2005 for her postings on the internet. Shi Hengxia often referred to as frrj, short for Furong Jiejie, which literally means ''Sister Lotus".

Beforehand, Teacher Lin took off the oxygen tube and there were still four tubes left on his body, including the gastric tube, nasogastric tube, urethral catheter, and drainage tubes. he could slightly turnover, but the post surgery wound and flatulence made him unable to sleep and woke up in the middle of the night. Under this semi-conscious state, he could still accurately turn in to my embrace when I lifted his neck to massage him. After that, he asleep.... I felt awkward, gratified and also had to accept my misfortune.

Just as I twisted in such an inelegant posture, the door pushed to open. They conducted room visits every two hours within three days after the operation. The night shift doctor came in with a low-light flashlight in his hand. As the flashlight swept over to my position, he stunned. I thought I need t explain, so I said in a low voice: "He couldn;t sleep because of the pain in his wound ."

The doctor said, "Do you need help?"

"No, thank you."

He nodded and left.

The light was dim and my mind was all over Teacher Lin. The first impression that the doctor left  was merely just his slender and tall back, nothing else.

Special Dialog:

Doctor: You just saw me at a glance, when you turned your head, you wil surely forget me.

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