Parents meeting the Daughter-in-law

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Compared with the past weekend when we were alone, the Doctors and I spent more leisure time with our families after our trip to X City. From girlfriend suddenly upgraded to prospective fiancée, there is an unspeakable subtlety. Suddenly jumping from two people to two families —from two people's feelings, into the feelings of the two families.

On the Doctor's side, we get along well, meet almost once every two weeks. Gu Wei was very surprised that his grandparents and I got along so well. On my side, Lin Zhixue, who has been away for many years, took the opportunity to meet in X City; To have a cup of tea with the Doctor and fulfil his duty as the eldest brother. Lin Zhiren, who is far away in Germany, is even more threatening in the video call: "If you dare to be unkind to my sister... No matter how far away I am, I will come back and kill you!" 

In early July, after nearly a month's holiday, I returned to Y city. Visit Grandma, accompany Grandma, and help Yin Shi prepare for the wedding. Life is very fulfilling.

Then, some 'poor person' came to Y city on my first weekend back.

When he came to my house for the second time, the Doctor and his parents discussed growing flowers, with Teacher Lin. They discussed opening a car and were familiar with the road.

On the second weekend, grandma saw the Doctor. She dressed her apron beautifully and stir-fried in the kitchen. She was very satisfied.

On the third weekend, the Doctor chatted with Grandma about San Cao for more than an hour. When he accompanied Teacher Lin for a walk, people who already knew him joked, "Teacher Lin, where are you taking your son-in-law?"

Before returning to X City on Sunday, the Doctor formally asked my parents: "My Grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary this weekend, I hope Xiao Xiao can attend with me."

So, I was packed back to X City.


I was a little confused about what should be given for such an important anniversary, so we put our heads together.

San San: "For Grandmother-in-law."

Yin Shi: "It's a gift for great-grandchildren."

Me: "..."

The Doctor smiled: "They will like whatever you give them."

Finally, I picked a pair of cups. Misty rain green thin porcelain, clean and warm. I don't know how to choose porcelain, but I like it at a glance from a distance. Doctor's Grandfather and Doctor's Grandmother, met and fell in love with each other in the flames of war. More than half a century of supporting each other, making their feelings like years of washing ceramics, simple and elegant.

I wrapped the gift contentedly and strangely asked the Doctor: "Won't you pick a gift?"

The Doctor smiled: "Is this gift not big enough?"

On the way back, I realized that the gift he spoke about was me...

The Grandfather and Grandmother of the doctor are of happy and kind old people. They were very happy to receive the gift. His Grandmother shook my hand and said, "Xiao Bei, let Xiao Xiao stay with us for two more days."

Of course, the Doctor had no problem with it. So, I officially checked in 'Xiao Bei's childhood photos' and called the Doctor. "It turns out that when you were a child, you cried with your eyes open." (normal people closed or squinted their eyes.)

The Doctor calmly threatened: "Lin Zhixiao, there are no cars on the road at this hour. I only have to drive there for little more than half an hour." He expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that I accompanied them 24 hours a day without giving him such treatment.

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