Chapter-5 The big fat hypocrite

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This chapter is dedicated to my sister! Thanks a lot for whatever you did when you did ;) Love you loads! :)

Chapter~5 The big fat hypocrite

"Let me guess this straight. You guys do whatever Warren Blackwood says which also includes kidnapping random people from the road. Sounds like what a rich bastard would do, if you ask me," I shrugged, nonchalantly. I was just being honest about what I felt about this situation.

"You're making him sound like a mafia boss which he's not so you can rule that one out," was Jade's side remark.

"And he may be rich but he's not a bastard," Callum corrected, relaxing back into the recliner once again.

"Okay, you can quit defending him because he has done the wrong thing no matter what his reasons were," I threw my hands up in exasperation because this so-called rich but not a bastard person was getting on my nerves.

"Abigail, I know and I agree with you but you need to know that he didn't have any bad intentions. If there was another way, he would've tried that. He's the last person who'd want to hurt you," Callum interjected again, his expressions conveying his desperation to get me to understand where Warren was coming from.

Although his words left me stunned for a good minute, speechless even but I quickly recovered and glued my eyes back to the movie that the three of us were watching. But no matter what they did, they could never take my mind off of what happened in the last 24 hours. I had been thinking constantly about it-about how my family was dealing with the issue at hand, about Lucy and Blake. Heck, I was missing that overly-positive Jenna Clarke who thought it was okay to taunt her employees every minute or so during their shift about being careful with the expensive crockery.

I could easily qualify for an over-thinker, it was a really annoying habit but one that I had developed over the years and it automatically magnified after the death of my parents. So that's why here I was over thinking things and worrying non-stop.

"How come you live here anyway and not with your brother?" I decided to change the subject, knowing this was going to end up upsetting everyone and not yielding any fruitful results.

Jade glanced at me, "Well, because he's kind of a traveller and I'm not. He's always going places and learning about different cultures and whatnot. It's not really my thing,"

That was totally not what I was expecting to hear about Jax to be very honest. I chastised myself mentally for judging Jax based off of his appearance and annoying tendencies. He was actually doing something productive.

"Okay, that was unexpected. So uh Warren allowed you to stay here for free?"

"Yes he did. I actually work for him so it's not exactly a freebie. Plus this house is huge enough so it's not an issue if I stay here," Jade answered seemingly truthfully.

"Is babysitting me on the contract too?" I laughed joined by Callum who was previously engrossed with the La La Land musical going on in the flat screen television in his room. One thing I learnt about Callum from my one day stay here was that he possessed an impressive movie collection, everything up-to-date but also including some iconic numbers.

"Nope it isn't but I'll be getting an extra pay for that so we're good," he grinned back throwing some butter popcorns into his mouth, the bucket then being snatched by Callum who took a handful of the buttery goodness too before offering it to me.

"That's good," I nodded my head slowly before adding in a curious tone, "But what kind of work do you guys do if you don't mind me asking?"

"Heard of Blackwood industries?" Callum asked, munching on the popcorn and I could visualize some pieces flying out of his mouth. Thankfully, I was sitting on the couch with Jade in the middle so I'm guessing Jade got showered with those not that he cares much.

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