Chapter-2 Whatever you say.

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As soon as I'd stepped out of the confines of my modern-age villa to begin my fifteen minute walk to Woodhurst High, I felt like somebody was following me. I tried to brush it off at first, but the echo of the footsteps as they hit against the asphalt was something I couldn't quite ignore. 

So I did the only thing any person in my situation would- I ran. I ran like my life depended on it, which it actually did no question and I kept myself from glancing back, afraid that I would be faced with an axe-murder or an obsessive stalker. 

Once I found myself in front of the iron gates of my school I paused the crazy marathon that I'd been running for the past 10 minutes and exhaled a breath of relief when I saw no one behind me. Everything seemed perfectly normal which had my anxiety pushed to the back of my mind as I felt my muscles relax and breathing starting to return to somewhat normal.


I shrieked so loud that I had heads turning my way, my own eardrums on the verge of irreparable damage. Whipping around, I came face to chest with none other than my cartoon of a friend also known as Blake who also happened to be on the football team, a sport I had the least bit of interest in but that's besides the point.

He was having a laugh-in-your-best friend's-face moment by clutching his sides for extra emphasis while I was having a hard time getting my heart to restart its function of pumping blood, whilst I glared at him accusingly.

"What the actual hell Blake? It's not funny that you almost gave me a heart attack!" I scolded the football star, a 17 year old with a not so average height that went beyond 6 feet and a commendable, chiseled to near perfection six pack abs paired with strong muscled arms and not to forget those pair of plain brown eyes and that I-just-rolled-out-of-bed hair that pretty much summed up Blake Rodriguez. Did I mention that he was Spanish?

You get my point now don't you?

"Well, hello to you too, bella," he grinned stupidly as he reached out to ruffle my hair but I was quick to step back, "Hey! Don't you dare touch my hair!"

He feigned a sigh, raising his hands up in a show of surrender, "Okay okay, I'm sorry. Don't need to go all ninja on me," 

"Yeah okay, I won't but tell me one thing. Did you follow me all the way from my house to school trying to scare the hell out of me because if you did then I'm going to ruin your pretty face in the next five minutes," I narrowed my eyes at him in a criticizing manner and folded my arms across my chest as I continued to suspect his slightly tanned face for anything suspicious. 

"Woah Woah, slow down, Abi. I did not follow you, I swear. Is everything alright?" He asked, immediately portraying his concern for my safety. To say that I wasn't terrified of ever stepping out of my house alone again would be a big understatement now. If not Blake then who was it? And why would they need to follow me? 

I sighed, "I'm a bit creeped out because I feel like someone has been following me to school,"

"Really? Well then, I would like to find out who that fucker is and I'm going to beat them to a pulp," he stated, coolly but I had a feeling that he wouldn't think twice about acting on his words. He had a bad temper, like a really bad one where you wouldn't want to be around him when he lost it and that two day old bruise on Spencer's right eye was all the proof that one needed.

"Blake," I deadpanned, "You will do no such thing, do yo hear me?"

"Abigail, this is serious shit," 

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