Chapter-40 As long as I live

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Hey guys! The last chapter was really long and sadly this one is too but I promise it'll be good. At least I hope it'll be. You might just get to read what you've all been waiting for *grins cheekily* And don't worry the good stuff is not so far off :P  Okay and I may be a vampire genre writer but I am werewolf fanatique as well. A big one. I found this book called HEART OF STONE by Joflower and let me tell you, its the best ever werewolf book I've ever read. Its mind blowing really and which is why I want you to go read it if you haven't, I mean it's a popular book, talks about reincarnation of mates. So that's it! Enjoy!


Chapter-40 As long as I live.

"Are you still upset about what happened earlier?" he asked tentatively, knowing that he was treading on thin ice, at least that's what I gathered from the tone he was using.

"Upset? Why would I be upset? I should be apologizing instead," I shot back, shocked with the venom dripping from my own words when I hadn't intended to sound that way at all.

He came closer to me and settled right beside me on the grassy field and adjusted his gaze till it was directed completely at me, a look of bewilderment twisting up his features.

"I don't get it," he almost growled in agitation and I took note of how this had become a common response from his part, how easily everything he felt converted into anger.

I refused to meet his grey eyes that were already making me feel uncomfortable; instead I focused more on appreciating the way the infinitesimally small stars twinkled in the cloudless night sky, a sight that was rare to behold amongst the pollution in the city.

"I keep bringing it up again and again even though you've told me countless times that-" I paused, my heart clenching in my chest hurtfully but I continued anyways, brushing it aside for the umpteenth time, "you don't love me and that this can't ever work out,"

Drawing my knees up, I tucked them under my chin while wrapping my arms around them as I continued to avoid looking at him, knowing it would just hurt me even more if I dared to.

"Can I ask you something?"

He simply nodded, too absorbed in his own thoughts to even say anything. Besides, it's not like there's anything left to say either.

"Why do you want the crown so bad?" I've always had this question somewhere deep inside my mind but perhaps I never got the opportunity to put it up until now when there we were merely bounded by trees that stretched to miles and not to forget the sky bejeweled with stars that blinked every now and then.

He took a moment to answer but eventually I could feel my heart flutter upon hearing his deep baritone whisper through the night.

"I am a pureblood vampire, meaning I was born not bitten and as per the customs I was eventually anticipated to take over the crown, replacing my father as the king of this world of vampires. From the day that I was mature enough, all I've ever known is the power that this position holds. I have always cared for my people, for all the clans out there who are struggling to survive without harming humans and I care about providing justice to them. To understand their needs and problems. I may come off as someone who'll turn into a ruthless king once crowned, who'd just want money but I promise I'm not someone like that. I want power but for a good purpose, with a good intention," he put forth his side of the story making it seem like he'd never had the chance to do this before. Like he was giving some sort of justification to me, to make me understand where he was coming from and probably hinting at why he couldn't love me.

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