Chapter-28 I'll fight till I can't anymore.

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Hey lovelies! How are you all doing? This is a tiny gift for you in return for the no

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Hey lovelies! How are you all doing? This is a tiny gift for you in return for the no.7 spot on vampire what's hot list! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH. I can't even thank you enough for this. I'm so whipped at the moment but anyways, I'd like to dedicate this to all of you wonderful amazing readers. 

It's a pretty long chapter so enjoy and let me know if you liked it or not. PLUS- There's going to be so much Warren in the next chapters so beware! XD 

That's Abigail's outfit ^^ 

I'd like to recommend you all to read Fireheart101's 'Damien and Juliet'. It's a fabulous fabulous book and I've read it too and I'm damn sure you'll love it just like I did. 

So, I'll see you guys with the next chapter yeah? Bye Bye :)


Chapter~28 I'll fight till I can't anymore.

"Can you do me a favor?" my words were almost a whisper as I tried to register what he'd just uttered a moment ago, my hands itching to brush away the piece of hair that had fallen over his right eye.

His dusty grey eyes snapped up to meet mine with a slight spark dancing in them, as though a new found hope had been lightened inside him. I gulped at the way he stared at me and for the first time in forever noticed the vulnerable side of him, which he probably had hidden all these years, centuries even.

"Take me to my family. I want to meet them, I really do," I said slowly and carefully gauging his reaction because I had a feeling that he was going to say a big fat no.

His expressions hardened a sliver of golden lighting up his grey orbs and I felt my hope diminishing quickly. Please say yes! Please please pretty please! I was almost on the verge of begging if I had to because this was my only chance.

"I don-"

Before he could complete his sentence, a haste knock on the door caused me to jump out of my skin though I successfully managed to suppress the shriek of surprise from slipping through my lips.

"If you two lovebirds are done making love-," I heard Aqueela snicker from behind the door before Callum continued, "would you mind unlocking the door?"

On cue, both Warren and I rolled our eyes before I twisted the door knob, coming face to face with Callum and Aqueela, (as expected) as they laughed silently with Aqueela punching Cal on his shoulder playfully as if they were sharing some private joke.

"Guys, you've seriously lost your minds," I shook my head, a smile gracing my lips as Warren also appeared at my side with a scowl pasted on his face just like always.

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