Chapter-36 She was the best part of me

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A massive thank you to @jangotra27 @amandaatkins97  @aakadave @suhasini2003 @sydnee8044 for commenting on the last chapter! It was so nice of you all and also for those who voted for me, thank you SO SO much, I would mention your name next time ^-^ 

  Chapter-36 She was the best part of me.

She went slack against me, the unconsciousness slipping in as soon as the stake sliced through her skin and her legs collapsed under her weight while she let out a grunt of pain.

Her eyes closed on their own accord and her protests seemed to have come to a halt. I caught her by the waist before she could fall to the ground, her head lulling to one side as though all the life had been sucked right out of her.

"It's going to be okay, darling," I murmured to her as I cradled her limp pale body to my chest, admiring her extraordinarily created features- those plump raspberry lips, an unblemished face with eyes so threateningly spell-binding that I could never forget. And her winsome smile that lit up her features like anything.

I remembered the way she used to laugh, not with me but with Jade and Callum whom she'd successfully managed to befriend in such a small span of time aware that they had been the one to abduct her in the first place.Moreover, I could never forget the way she had stood up to me, so bold and courageous, her stance unwavering when we'd met for the first time. Well, it was the first time for her, not for me as I'd watched her numerous nights while she slept, I'd followed her quite a few times just to make sure she was okay. 

I had only known seriousness and solitude till she came along. She was the best part of me, she was the light I'd given up on ever finding. I know I did told her to stay away, to treat our bond as some sort of deal else she'd be putting her loved ones at severe risk and I forced her into my mess.

I knew she'd agree in a heartbeat if it was about her family and I just took advantage of that. I was set on using her for my own sake. What sort of a king would that make me? In fact, what kind of a mate that makes me?

I didn't know what actually a mate could do to you till it really happened to me. I was so wrong. Always so unjust to her, never cared or tried to understand her situation because I was thirsty for the crown.

But now it was too late to back out of this. What's done is done because I couldn't really change the past, couldn't change the amount of hate she must've developed for me. And with Alexandrus so close, I was adamant on keeping Abigail far from me, where she'd be safe and sound.

We just couldn't exist together and I would have to let her go eventually, at least that's the best I could do for her.

I carried her bridal style in my arms, keeping her close to myself considering how rapidly her temperature seemed to be dropping. The sun had almost set, hues of orange and yellow splattered in the sky giving rise to a picturesque scene.

Upon reaching my car, I gently placed her in the back seat and placed a small kiss on her forehead whilst pushing away the strands of blonde hair falling over her face. She just laid there unmoving and still, which tore away a part of me.

Self-loathe was all I felt at the moment.

Abigail wasn't the real monster, it was me.


"What did you do to her?" Ava couldn't help but ask as soon as we entered her premises.

She followed me inside while I pushed past her in a hurry to know about Abigail's current condition after I stabbed her with that stake. The thought instinctively made me want to stab myself with a stake too so that I could feel what Abigail had to go through all because of me.

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