Chapter-23 Do I look like I care?

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Hey lovelies! Here's a new chapter for you guys along with a massive apology for being so deadly late. Like 4 months?! Anyways, there you go! Oh and this chapter just might contain a lot of mistakes..bear with me :P

Chapter-23 Do I look like I care?

"You're such a sore loser!" I laughed so hard that it hurt my stomach, to the point that I had to clutch my sides from dropping to the ground.

Callum slapped me with a tomato slice in return and smirked at my slackened jaw.

"Next time, think before you speak, loser," Callum snapped, wiping off imaginary dust from his shoulder and resuming back to his work at hand- cutting tomatoes, which by the way, was going along just fine before Jade suggested that throwing tomatoes at each other was better than eating them.

And of course, I couldn't resist the offer.

"We all know who is the loser here, right Aqueela?" I asked, holding a victorious smirk across my face as I glanced at Aqueela who was watching something on the Netflix with her Apple laptop on her lap.

"Of course, Abigail," She smiled sweetly at Cal who glared at her playfully. He then turned towards me and pointed his knife in my direction saying, "You," My smirk grew wider for some unknown reason, "Are ready to go with Warren," I heard Jade's voice coming from behind me.

All of us looked at Jade as if he had decided to ride a cow.

"Thank you for ruining the whole thing," I muttered sarcastically, but knowing how the people around me had heightened senses, my mutter was not at all a 'mutter' for them. It was loud and clear. Callum snickered as Aqueela held a huge smug smile on her face, the laptop put away already.

Jade grinned, showing off his pearly whites as he whooshed towards the refrigerator in his vampire-speed and took out a carton of 'something' and chugged it down as of it was the most delicious thing in the whole world.

"What's that?" I asked, oblivious with the drink.

He swiped his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt and looked at me for a moment.

"You really want to know?" he questioned, putting the carton back in the fridge.

"Well, duh," I rolled my eyes and stole a handful of fries from the plate that was resting on the dining table.

"Its called blood," he said simply, as the three of them gazed at me with a calculating gaze.

I choked on my own saliva and in a second Aqueela was by my side, rubbing my back in a soothing gesture, for which I was grateful. After coughing for about a minute or so, when I was sure that I was able to speak appropriately again, I looked at Jade dubiously.

"What?!" I shrieked.

"Do you need me to spell it? B-L-O," Jade began to spell it out for me when I cut him off mid-sentence, quite disgusted with his horrible sense of humor.

"NO! I get it! I freaking get it!" I hollered, feeling a little sympathetic towards Aqueela that she had to bear such a delusional being.

"Looks like Warren is here. I can practically smell him," Callum sniffed the air, making me doubt if he was straight. That'd be actually shocking.

"And he can practically hear you, so shut up," Jade barked.

If only I had powers like them...

"You know you can always trust me, your highness," Wait. That's not Warren's voice at all because last time I checked he didn't speak like a girl, specifically like Claire.

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