Chapter-18 A walk to remember

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Apologies for the long wait :P


Hope you enjoy! xoxo

This chapter is dedicated to my sweethearts Twinkle, Diamond and Airbud! :* I love you sweets! Mwaah Mwaah!

Chapter~18 A walk to remember

I rolled my eyes at Warren who in return gave me an incredulous look.

"Are you nuts?" I asked, knowing the answer already.

Warren glared at me with such intensity that I considered taking back what I'd just said. But sadly, it was a bit too late to do that. So I just raised an eyebrow at him in question, wiping my face with a napkin.

"You know what?" said Warren with his voice an octave more than before, "Forget it. You're never gonna grow up." And then he got up suddenly, with the table shaking tremendously as his chair fell down with a loud 'thud', enough to make me tremble.

He provided me with one last look, which could absolutely qualify as indignant and annoyed and then he turned and literally stormed out of the room leaving me with my mouth ajar and eyes as big as saucers.

For a second, I couldn't fathom anything at all until Callum shook my shoulders, connecting me back to what we call reality. I blinked my eyes a couple of times and released a breath.

"Abigail, when are you two going to stop fighting? I'm fed up," Jade was the one to break the heavy silence.

"You want me to be honest?" I said, wringing my hands together nervously.

"Well, I think that's never gonna happen in a million years," It was true and it was what I felt. We couldn't ever pause bickering unless and until he stopped insulting me and I halt throwing remarks at him. There, I admitted that it's partly my fault.

Callum sighed, resting his hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner. I smiled sadly at him as he gave me an assuring nod. "But you know you should at least try," was Jade's advice.

"What's the point in trying when we're like polar opposites? We don't match in a single way if you don't count the ego that is," I retaliated.

"That's what you believe not me," he stated, a small smile made its way to his face.

"You can't believe in something which is never going to happen. Warren and me, we're never going to happen and it'll be better for you if you accept it as soon as possible," I replied, feeling my stomach sink. There was sickening feeling, a wretchedness that I couldn't push away no matter how much I tried. It was suffocating.

Jade seemed stunned, "But you should know that this is serious," Callum emphasized.

"I don't understand," I scrunched my brows together, resting my chin on my palm.

"Alexanderus wants you," Callum replied, a concerned expression on his face.

"He wrote that in the letter?" I asked, feeling somewhat afraid in a weird way if that was even possible. A person I never knew existed wanted me. What could be creepier than that? But why?

"Yes, it was quite clear," Jade said; teeth gritted in annoyance.

I sighed shakily. All of this was taking a toll on me partly because it was so damn puzzling, and made me mind spin every passing day. At first, there's Warren who is so profound and almost like a jig-saw puzzle, but a harder one. It was a tough job to figure him out and his enigmatic personality. And then there were his parents, who had planned something big for me and him, if everything went alright. And lastly, the newest addition in the book of mysteries, Alexandrus- the guy with the greek name who suspiciously wanted me.

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