Chapter 26: Devin

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It was 11:28 at night. I've been in our room unconscious ever since my talk with Patrick and Jasmine.

"Until we have enough supplies and a plan, we're staying here."

Tears immediately began welling up again as I lied in bed thinking about it. Tara is in danger... she could already be dead.. and he's making us stay.....
I buried my face into my pillow hugging it tightly. "Tara..." I couldn't stop my tears from streaming down. The room.. it felt so big and empty without her here... Loneliness.. something I haven't felt in a while... it was back and worse than ever. As I lied there crying into the pillow, there was a faint noise. A small creak followed by light tapping. Rhythmic tapping. I sat up sniffling and wiped my eyes to see Jasmine standing at the bottom of the steps.
"Hey Dev.. you feeling okay?"
I looked at her silently, unable to keep my tears away. Am I feeling okay? "Okay." That word taunts me.. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her sigh. She then sat herself down beside me.
"Devin. I know how much this must be hurting you. I can feel it. You really care about this girl." I stayed silent, staring at the floor. "Can you tell me about her? I'd like to know what about her you enjoy so much."
I looked at her. "You want to know about her?" She smiled at me and nodded. Her smile... it was warm.. and relaxing... like Amanda's.. I sighed softly and nodded. "Well.. she's the same age as me. Fifteen years old. She comes from the Red Wolf Galaxy. A kingdom called Other World. She had an older sister like me.. both her parents and two friends..." I could see her look of curiosity out of the corner of my eye.
"Did she tell you their names?" I nodded.
"Her sister's name was Khloe. Her parents' names were Johnathan and Brietta. And her friends' names were Eric and Kendall. She told me she had so much fun playing around with her friends. She admired her big sister but never let her know." I smiled a bit as I spoke about her, which I could tell Jaz noticed because she asked another question.
"So what was she like while with you?"
"When we first met she was really... jittery. That's the best way I could say it. Jittery, nervous, and flushed." She chuckled at this.
"Where did you say you met her again?"
"Dunkler Wald. The Dark Forest."
"Really? What was she doing all the way out there?" She handed me some tissues as she asked this. I thanked her as I took them and blew my nose before continuing.
"It was Mom.. she sent some soldiers to Other World for a takeover. That's how Tara lost her entire family and her friends in only a couple hours."
"Wow.. I never would've imagined that."
I continued talking about Tara to Jasmine, her just watching me and listening with a smile. I could tell what she was doing... and I'm.. so thankful she cares so much....

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