Chapter 27: Yolaris (Part 4)

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| November 24th, Thanksgiving Day, 5:36 pm, in the Yolaris Palace dining hall |

Every year before Devin was born, Thanksgiving would be held with a party consisting of every member of the castle gathered in the mess hall for celebration. However this year, even I can sense the dread in the air. I sat beside my husband on one side of the table while both my daughters sat on the other side in front of us. As we awaited the food to be served, Jackson spoke to the girls.
"So Amanda. How is your Memory training going so far?"
I watched as her eyes glanced my way before facing her father again.
"I had to switch mentors. Arthur said he could no longer keep up with how much I've advanced." Jackson chuckled lightly from this.
"I see. That means you're getting stronger. Puppetry is a very powerful Memory. I'm proud of you. And Devin? How's your training?"
I noticed Amanda's posture stiffen.
"It's super cool Papa! Mama is showing me how to give my hurt to others! And- and it worked today!" Her eyes were twinkling as she went on.
"Is she?" He smiled and leaned forward against the table looking at her. "Tell me about it."
I listened to Devin go on about her day. It drowned out after four minutes as I was locked in my thoughts once more. Devin is progressing substantially. Its quite impressive. But when faced against her sister, even if its just a dummy, she refuses to use her Transfer Memory. Its irritating. It irks me more that Amanda's consistent defiance is keeping me from focusing. But what angers me the worst would be my husband. King Jackson Yolaris. His coddling over the girls is what distracts them from my training. As much as I love this man, that love doesn't extend past my goals.
"So you're enjoying your mother's training?" Jackson replied to her excitement.
"Yeah! Mandy says its really bad how Mama is training me but- but I get to be stronger! I get to be just like Mama when I'm bigger!"
Hearing her speak of her future with such enthusiasm is warming. She's accepted her role in this life. That makes me proud of her. I noticed him look at Amanda and his eyes filled with the same amount of worry he had for me that night.
"Amanda. What's troubling you sweetheart?" I looked at her. Her head was down. She made eye contact with nobody at the table. I noticed her movement. Her body was trembling but she acted as if nothing was wrong. "Amanda. Your father asked you a question." At my voice, her body stiffened more.
"Thank you My Queen. But its alright. She can take her time."
There he goes again. Undermining my authority. With every similar move, my tolerance goes down. I sighed softly and just looked at her silently. Devin looked up at her as well. Now all eyes were locked on her. Waiting for her to speak.
"It.." Her voice was feeble. Small and trembling. I can feel her fear from where I sit and its enriching. She swallowed before continuing. "Its.. nothing Father. At least..." she paused glancing in my direction before looking back down. "...nothing I can speak of here. May I request a private meeting next week?" He tilted his head a bit confused.
"May I ask why so late?"
"That's.. the day I've chosen to take Artemis out for a ride. If you don't mind Father." He looked at her silently for a while before smiling.
"Of course not Princess. I'll be sure to change my schedule for you."
"T-Thank you Father." She glanced in my direction once more. I caught her eye this time and she immediately looked away again. I was about to speak before the butlers and maids rolled out carts of food. Devin and Jackson exclaimed at the sight and scent of our awaiting banquet. I watched the food be served as I went through my thoughts. What exactly would she need to speak to him about in private? I already know she won't go against me. Neither of them. So what could it be? I gritted my teeth. It seems they don't understand yet why I'm the one in control. How dare they make plans to meet in secret in front of their Queen? My teeth grinded a bit and then, a smile widened on my face.

| What are you worrying about My Queen? You're the one in control remember? You make the decisions. You choose what happens. |

That's right.. I'm in control.

| They dare to go against your authority My Queen. They deserve a lesson for that. |

Yes. Yes they do don't they? And I'll be sure to make sure they understand again.

| Long live Queen Yolaris |

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