Chapter 27: Yolaris (Part 5)

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| December 8th, 4:38 in the afternoon, deep in the snowy woods surrounding the Yolaris Palace |

This year was our annual training weekend trip. Every winter, myself, Amanda, Jackson, and now Devin, would venture into the forest, enjoying the crunch of the fresh snow, for a different type of training. A necessity for any Yolaris bloodborn. I walked beside My King, taking in the fresh air. My princesses took the lead and indulged in a little winter fun on the way. I suppose since it is PARTLY a vacation, they can enjoy themselves. "Amanda. Make sure Devin is bundled up tight. I don't want her getting a cold." She glanced at me from making a snowball before she was struck by one. A clear shot to her face. Jackson laughed as we heard Devin's squeals of delight echo through the trees.
"I did it! I got you!" She wiped her face clean and looked at her little sister with a blank expression.
"When I'm not looking? Really?"
"Mommy says to always look for an advantage!" I smiled.
"That I did. Well done Devin." She beamed at me. I could feel her pride and excitement from behind the tree she hid.
"Amanda why don't you take Devin to gather firewood for the camp tonight? You can teach her how to collect it." Jackson asked his eldest daughter. She looked at her father and smiled nodding, before going over to Devin and taking her hand.
"I'm gonna get you back for that you know", she said as she led her sister into the woods.
"Yeah I know," Devin replied with a giggle. I sighed softly watching them leave then looked at Jackson, who was already preparing his bow and arrows for our hunt. His bow was made of iron, with a sharpened blade at each end. Its handle was covered in mountain bearskin and its string made from silk. His arrows were expertly handcrafted by himself made from tungsten back from his blacksmith days when I'd just met him.
"Where should we hunt today My Queen?" he asked as he shined his bow. "I think a bit East is good" I answered him as I readied an enchantment on a tree we stood by. This particular spell is made to act as a beacon. For both the girls and My King and I. Upon activation, which can be triggered by either one of us, the tree leaves will glow a bright blinding red that can be seen for miles. Jackson took out a small black device which was going to be used to mark our surroundings and create landmarks leading to and away from where we set up camp. He turned to me as I finished the Incantation.
"Shall we, My Queen?", he asked as I stretched. I then nodded to him.
We ventured East into the frigid and glistening woods. The forest around the palace was overrun with all types of beautiful wildlife. From trees to bushes to flowers to the smallest sapling. They each have their own physical appearance that both blend in and completely stand out with their surroundings. I admired each of their icy blue color variations. They each change with the seasons. But never die. The animals have adapted as well. Completely altering their original bodies to change with the seasons. All having their own special appearance.
I sighed softly taking in the brisk cool air before Jackson stopped. I looked at him.
"What's the matter?" I asked curiously as I watched him. He knelt down and pressed his hand into the snow closing his eyes.
"I believe I heard a potential good hunt My Queen. Allow me to locate it." He was using his Sense of Direction to find our prey. He learned this technique as a young man. And has forever put it to outstanding use from then on. So I watched and waited patiently. He then opened his eyes and looked slightly to the Northeast.
"That way, My Queen. I'm not really sure what we'll find but I sense a very good bounty." He stood and fixed his bow and arrows on himself before walking away, myself following. "Whatever we find will provide us with dinner tonight. So I'm fully prepared." He smiled to himself as I said this. And I looked at him questioningly.
"And why are you smiling, sir?" He chuckled.
"My Queen, you are so much more lively during hunts. Completely unlike the little girl you first told me about. I rather enjoy it." I raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying I've changed? How so?" He then looked at me.
"It wasn't anything drastic. But I have noticed a change in you. Particularly after you gifted us a second daughter." I tilted my head a bit confused.
"What type of change do you mean?"
"Well.. it mostly centers around your slightly excessive training on her. After all she's only just now turning five. She shouldn't even be able to go on training weekends like this with how much she does back home." I blinked looking at him.

| He dares question your authority? |

I swallowed back my rising frustration and just sighed softly. "Jackson. You know how it goes for the Yolaris'. In order to prove your worth for the throne, you need to prove your strength and power first. She and her sister are 12 years apart. So in order to catch up, she needs to work twice as hard." He nodded, remaining calm as he spoke.
"I understand. And I won't question your family tradition. But have you ever thought about if this was something she wanted? She was born straight into training My Love. I'm afraid she'll grow knowing nothing else." I glanced at him.
"Then she'll be exactly like her mother. Like she wanted." He looked at me and sighed softly smiling.
"Yes My Queen. But please. As her father and your husband, I ask genuinely for you not to be too rough with her and too hard on Amanda. Her love for her sister reminds me of another big sister I knew." I sighed softly. He speaks of my late elder sister Jennifer. She would've taken over the throne if she were just a bit stronger than me. But she unfortunately wasn't. And as much as I didn't want to, I had no choice but to end her life in order to secure mine.
I looked at him, noticing he stopped. "What is it?"
"We've arrived. Please. Before we start. Promise me."

| You owe him no sort of promise My Queen. You rule every part of this galaxy and those who reside in it. |

Yes. But maybe he's right. Maybe I do too much for her. I won't promise. But I'll try.

| I see.. As you wish My Queen |

"I will try for you My King." He smiled and planted a light kiss on my cheek before pulling his bow off and drawing an arrow at the sound of a bellowing roar. "It sounds like a Winter Water Troll. Ready your Memory My Queen. I will wait for your signal."
I nodded and stretched, my eyes glowing a deep jet black as I rushed toward the sound.

| She may be going soft. But I know My Queen. She WILL put you all in your place soon enough. Long live her reign. |

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