Backstory: Johnathan

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Ever since I was little I've always wanted to join the Doica. Seeing the men march around in those cool uniforms and do all that fighting and saving lives seemed so fun at the time. As a kid, I wanted nothing more than to be an Imperial on the kingdom's army. But I didn't think it would be this boring! Ugh all I do is walk around the hallways day in and day out and do nothing but kill rats! I groaned loud and jumped a bit when it echoed, almost dropping the bowl of breakfast I had. God. Stupid rickety hallways.
My name is Johnathan Koldem. The soldiers on the army call me Spirit Reaper. I had gotten the Memory of Supernatural Rage when I was sixteen. I'm from the Senna System in the Starset Galaxy. And so far, working on the Imperial Army has been the most boring experience of my life.
After I calmed down, I rolled my eyes and kept walking, the only sound in the quiet corridor being my armor clanking and my footsteps. I turned one corner into the cells. I didn't usually like those hallways since I don't like seeing people abused like they are here but I stomached it and walked. I looked through the cells at the prisoners and almost got sick. They were messed up so bad it made me gag.
I hurried down the hallway not making eye contact with anyone. As much as I hated being down here, there was a specific reason why I hadn't resigned. I got down to the end of the hall to a door and unlocked it, opening it slowly. I took a deep breath and walked into a room full of wooden crates at the bottom of the ship.
In the corner, next to a window, there was a wooden cage with a girl inside. She was a small girl with long brunette hair that was all messy and knotty, curled up in a ball with her face buried in her arms. As I got closer, I heard small whimpers. I listened closely and heard her say "I give up."
I tilted my head and opened the top of her cage looking down at her with a smile. She looked up at me with light tears rolling down her cheeks.
Replying to her statement, I said "Don't give up Maxwell." She looked at me confused before I showed her the bowl. "Are you hungry? I saved you some from breakfast today. I gotta say you're looking stronger." I picked her up out the box and sat her next to me handing her the food. With a slight chuckle, I sat and watched her gobble it up. I couldn't put my finger on it but there's something about her that makes me... curious. She was so fascinating that I wanted to know more about her.
I snickered when she finished and looked at me. Her cheeks became a little red. "What?"
I gathered myself and took out my napkin wiping her face clean. She looked away embarrassed so I sat there silent. I couldn't help but be relaxed and smile when I'm around her. It was about twenty minutes of complete serenity before I caught her glancing at me. I looked back and smiled when she looked away. She was adorable. I took one look at her again and just chuckled. Her face was completely flushed. Even in the dim light of the room we were in I could see it. She hid her face and I sat against the wall just smiling. After about three minutes of silence I finally said something.
"So Maxwell. What's your story?" I glanced at her and got a confusing look back. I smiled at her. "I mean I wanna know more about you." She huffed and turned away with her arms crossed. I was confused.
"Don't the soldiers on this shitty UFO have my files already? Look through those. I'm sure its got all my information."
I nodded in agreement to which she turned back to me. "Yes that would be easier but I believe if you're gonna have information on someone you might as well get it from the source. A lot more truth in that don't you think?" She went to say something but nothing came out. I chuckled again as she looked away angrily. "Look, if you want, I'll share some info on me too. To make it fair."
She looked back at me. "How would that make it fair?"
"Well it wouldn't be fair if I was the only one gaining knowledge right?"
"I mean.. I guess?"
"Right. Plus I wouldn't mind getting to know you or you getting to know me." I smiled at her. "So I'll go first. My name is Johnathan "Spirit Reaper" Koldem. John or Johnny for short. You can call me either. I work as a guard on the Yolaris Imperial Galactic Army. I'm a nineteen year old Sienna from the Starset Galaxy. In the Senna System."
"That sounds really beautiful."
"Yeah it's a pretty great place. Anyway its your turn."
"Right. I'm Brietta Maxwell. I'm a seventeen year old Cerulean from Other World. On the Northern side of the Red Wolf Galaxy."
"I see. Tell me about it." I chuckled quietly as her eyes lit up a bit with excitement. She started explaining what it was like on Other World but I dozed off a bit looking at her with a smile. Brietta Maxwell. The only other person that made my heart relax. I wanted to be around her all the time. I felt... compelled to keep her safe. I wanted to be with her. I chuckled watching her. "Tell me more about that." Then she smiled. For the first time since us meeting I finally got to see her smile. It was beautiful. SHE was beautiful.

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